Chapter 18

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(recap) y/n: why are you so adorable
he laughed and pulled me into a bear hug. he kissed me on the top of the head and we fell asleep listening to gilmore girls in the back ground

y/n's pov

a few days ago me and nick booked tickets to fly back to aus. we asked if anyone else wanted to come and not that many people did but it's ok, my apartment isn't that big anyway haha. so it was nick, mia, kouvr, alex, ryland, chase and i going. so it was kind of a lot of people but there definitely could've been more. i had been in la for like 4 or 5 weeks now and i missed my family and friends so much. today was the day we were leaving so i woke up early to check everything was packed

nick: morning baby

y/n: morning

nick: why are you already up

y/n: i just wanted to make sure i had everything

nick: at 6am

y/n: what i get anxiety

nick: no it's just cute

y/n: my anxiety is cute?

nick: no i- you are

y/n: i am what

nick: annoying

y/n: i'm hurt
i put my hand to my chest and breathed heavily
nick got out of bed and gave me a hug

nick: sowwy

y/n: awe it ok
he smiled at me and flopped back into bed.

hi sorry this is super short and kinda bad.... just not really motivated rn and there's some stuff at home and... yeah. i might not update for a while but i'm still gonna try writing a few chapters. love you all sm 🥰🥰🥰

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