A/n :)

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Hi! So I would like to ask if anyone would be interested in roleplaying or something? Preferably on insta or discord!! :D the ship can be whatever you'd like ( AS LONG AS IT ISNT TOXIC OR PEDOPHELIA ) so uh...🎵yeah yeah🎵 And also, if there is any other ships you'd like to see in this fanfic let me know! I'm taking more requests. And since this is a smut book this is blatantly obvious but it will be..smut! Again, I'm ok with any ship as long as it isn't bad :) welp.... leave your requests below! And if your interested in roleplaying lmk to! Also if I don't get to your request right away, my apologies

Ishimondo/naegami smut ( TAKING DIFFERENT SHIP REQUESTS )Where stories live. Discover now