More Naegami ;)

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3rd person pov: Makoto yawns. Even though it was after night hours Makoto felt a little hungry for something, so he gets up and walks to the cafeteria kitchen. While getting a snack he hears something behind him "h-hello?" Byakuya walks into the room "what are you doing out at this hour?" He glares at him. Makoto sweats "uh- well I'm just out getting snacks." He laughs a bit akwardly byakuya scoffs "you should be more careful- i- I don't really care I'm just saying I don't wanna go through another trial again. They're a waste of time." Makoto nods "o-oh alrighty! I'll be off to my room now... night togami!" Byakuya scoffs "go back to your room naegi" Makoto nods and runs off 'he was being defensive .-.' He thinks as he enters his room. A short while after he hears a knock "w-who is it?" Byakuya sighs "you left your hoodie in the cafeteria." Makoto opens the door "oh uh- thank you..." byakuya nods "you need to keep better track of your stuff" Makoto nods "I will next time I apologize." They kinda just sit there for awhile and without thinking naegi asks "would you like to come in for a little bit? Byakuya is caught off guard but nods. Byakuya goes in and sits down at the desk thing. They kinda just sit there for a bit then byakuya breaks the silence "naegi." Makoto looks over at him "y-yes?" Byakuya blushes "I-I have some feelings towards you." Makoto looks at him "y-you do?" Byakuya nods "and...I also...." he shakes his head Makoto tilts his head "hm?" He blushes even more. Makoto then looks down at byakuyas hard on. He's suprised and honestly kinda like: what the fuck- then he looks at him in the eye "byakuya...I didn't know you actually liked me I-I mean not in that way anyway." He blushes then Makoto walks over to him "I didn't know that at all-" suddenly he's cut off by a kiss, byakuya pins him against the wall and starts kissing him "h-huh togami?!"  He's suprised but eventually melts into it, then togami kisses down his neck, sucking on some sensitive spots "oh~ hell!~" Makoto moans byakuya grins, he actually loved hearing Makoto. He pulls away from his collar, and looks at Makoto, Makoto was a blushing panting mess, he whimpers "p-please continue" byakuya laughs "strip." He sits down. And Makoto looks at him for a second, and is hesitant but strips down to just his boxers togami smirked "good boy~" he walks up to him and then whispers in his ear "if you want to earn a prize will you do what master says?" Makoto nods, he was oddly like way to aroused by his situation. Byakuya laughs a bit "good~" he waves him over to the bed "go lay there I'll be back in a moment." He leaves then comes back with some rope ( COMMONLY USED IM AWARE BUT I TOLD YALL THIS MIGHT BE KINKY ) byakuya ties naegi up to the headboard. Then Makoto realizes "w-wait! Togami there are cameras-" byakuya didn't care. He was overwhelmed with lust. Togami tilts makotos head up to face him with a finger "I don't mind~" Makoto had never seen this side of togami, I mean, he wasn't exactly complaining though. Then Makoto asks "c-can we get started?" Byakuya laughs. A bit "work for it or face a punishment~" Makoto did but didn't wanna figure out what the punishment was. But then byakuya took out his pp ( IDK WHAT THE F O C K TO CALL IT ) and put it near makotos face Makoto got the hint and started swirling his tongue around the tip, then he started sucking on it. While also still using his tongue to please him. Then he starts to go a bit deeper with it. After a little bit byakuya felt his climax and he quickly pulled out of makotos mouth. G O D did that make byakuya feel gr e a t😫 byakuya cums on makotos face, and Makoto tried to lick it off. He looked so cute. Byakuya laughs then inserts His fingers into makotos mouth "get these covered in saliva for me darling~" Makoto nods and starts sucking on his fingers for lubricant. Then byakuya pulls his fingers out of his mouth and thrusts them into naegi while also playing with one of his nipples at the same time. Makoto whimpers and moans "o-oh my god~" byakuya begins to scissor Makoto. He grinds his hips against byakuyas fingers, making them go deeper "mhm~ t- I mean- master please put your dick inside me~" byakuya looks at him with lust in his eyes "beg" Makoto blushes. WHY IS HE SO HOT? "P-please master put it inside of me~ I want you..." he hesitates "p-please." Byakuya laughs a bit "that's what I wanna hear." He thrusts into Makoto. Naegi moans "mph!~ oh my god-" byakuya starts moving right away, Makoto feels pain but it slowly fades into pleasure, "a-ah! Please go deeper master!" Byakuya goes at a bit of a deeper/faster pace" Makoto arches his back "oh my god! More please master!" Byakuya grunts, "your so t-tight naegi-" Makoto moves his hips along with togamis thank god the walls were soundproof. "Y-you feel so good togami~" byakuya liked that😌 so he went a bit faster, hitting makotos sweet spot, making makoto throw his head back and moan "oh!~ master togami!~" byakuya cums deep inside Makoto. Byakuya pants, un tieing Makoto and then sitting back for a bit, Makoto who was still a bit hornêē crawled on top of byakuya, and started sucking him off again, after a bit more of that they both collapse, panting and tired "oh my god togami...we have to do that again-" byakuya laughs a bit "don't say anything to anyone though~ ok darling?" Makoto nods. ( a/ n alright! Thanks for the suggestions you guys! And I hope you enjoyed this chapter!)

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