Experiments... (naegami)

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(A/n) hello! It's been awhile and I actually know what to do lol. I have better experience with stuff and I'm ready to update lol.  Also, TW for degration

Makotos pov: byakuya togami, the ultimate heir or whatever. We had been married for about a year now, with frequent sexual events and teasing...our relationship wasn't just sexual events but that was a portion. I had gotten a text from him earlier saying to meet him in his office?? Apparently he had a deal?? I was confused but I agreed. Walking from our room to the office where the other waited. I knocked lightly. "Come in." I heard togami say. I open the door, shutting it after I got in "hello dear! so uh,,, what's up?" He pushes his glasses up, smirking "I just have a little,,,proposition" he beckoned me over with his fingers I go over,  standing in front of him. He grins and hands me some clothes. "Be a dear and change into these for me hm?" I nod, not sure what the clothing was but it looked like a dress of some sort?? I go to go to the bathroom but byakuya stops me "ah ah ah~ you can change in here." I blush, we were married but it was still a little embarrassing. Especially considering I could tell from his tone of voice...this was almost destined to be sexual. I didn't mind though to be perfectly honest. I strip my clothing and then put the dress thing on, little did I know it was a...a maid dress?! I look at Byakuya, obviously embarrassed and confused, he walks over to me, tilting my head up to face him "you look so adorable~ so, the idea was..if you wear that around and do as I ask I'll give you a...reward at the end of the day." I hesitate. We usually liked to experiment but we never really did a roleplay type thing like this. "Uhm, alright." I laugh a bit, he grins "good and, please, refer to me as master, hm?" My face flushes and I nod, "y-yes master." The other laughed lowly, almost seductively "good~ now, Would you please go get me my laptop from our room dear?" I nod, going out into the hall and walking towards our room, this was kinda weird but arousing in a way?? We've never tried anything like this but I know byakuya would stop if I ever were to feel uncomfortable. But I'm not- I actually like it a little bit...

Byakuyas pov: god, he looked so cute in that dress. I had gotten a recommendation to try different things out from a...friend. And I was liking the way my husband looked in that dress of his. I wasn't ashamed to admit that he looked cute..and since he was so obedient shit- I was starting to get more turned on just thinking about him. He was so fucking cute....I hear the door open, and him walking in, sliding the laptop onto the desk infront of me "thank you." I grin "say, naegi come over here" he does as he's told, walking over to the side of the desk, I turn my chair to look at him, then kissing him, slipping my tongue in quickly, I felt him melt into the kiss, that's when I stopped "we'll continue this when you get your reward...that is if your good" I laugh a bit, sounding more seductive than intended. I watched his face flush, he nods "y-yes master.." I smirk "well....you get going, and your not aloud to please yourself while I'm working. Understand?" He nods, I could tell he was needy and longed to be touched and god fucking damnit was he irresistible but I held back my urge to fuck him right then and there. I watched him walk out. I was satisfied with the flustered horny mess I had made him. I then, try to not focus on that and begun on work.

Makotos pov: he made me so aroused- lord was he hot...I walk into the kitchen and begin to finish the dishes, I was also just thinking about that...and then fantasies and memories of us having sex flood in, my erection grew more but I had to obey him..I was deathly curious to figure out my reward. I feel butterflies appear in my stomach..maybe I could just...I lightly begin to palm myself through the slutty underwear underneath the dress, I stifle my moans while doing the dishes with my free hand. Then a moan slipped. Byakuya obviously couldn't hear it but i was still on guard. "Mmh~" I decide to stop before it gets worse- after the dishes were done I check the time, it was about 6:30 I go upstairs and knock on byakuyas office, but hear...moaning? I put my ear up to the door, It definitely was moaning. "ahh~ naegi your such a good boy-" my face flushes and I knock again, trying to act oblivious. I hear a quick zipper zipping and a "c-come in-" I walk in closing the door , he was obviously sweating prior to me knocking. My face was still flushed "hello- I would just like to ask-" before I could as he walked over to me and kissed me. I was taken by surprise he pulls away "makoto..." he sounded actually pretty needy for once I look at him "hm?"

Togamis pov: fuck- he looked so innocent. "just- come on-" I take his hand and walk us to our room, shutting the door behind us. He was definitely confused but had a definite idea of what was happening at the same time. "I'm gonna fuck you senseless- your just so cute" he got the memo now, we both go in for a kiss, I ask for entrance with my tongue and the other quickly allowed. I slipped my tongue in, while also undressing my husband, leaving him in the slutty lingerie I gave him to wear under. I pulled away from the kiss. "My little slut looks so good like this..fuck" I push him onto the bed, undressing myself. Makoto watched me undress, he had seen it before but always looked amazed in a way. I get on top of him, tracing the marks from last time with my tongue, then making them more visible by marking them again.

3rd person pov: makoto moaned "master I'm sensitive there~" togami smirked, "are you now?" He continued teasing that spot, makotos moans became hitched and breathy, his back arching from the pleasure. Byakuya stopped, "your such a slut makoto..~" he smirked "play with yourself" makoto hesitates, but begins palming himself, moaning, then sliding his hand under the undergarments, taking out his dick, stroking it, and moaning more byakuya bites his lip "you've been waiting to do that huh?~ your masters little slut." Makoto nods "you've turned m-me on so much today master~" his strokes got faster, and his moans got louder, byakuya watched him, pleased at how much of a mess he made him. Before makoto climaxes byakuya stops him "ah ah ah~ I'm gonna fuck you and you better not cum until I do,,," Makoto nods, and byakuya grabs some lube from the drawer, preps himself and slams into makoto without warning, "tell me when it's ok to move." Makoto tears up but then gives him the ok, byakuya off the bat was already pretty fast and rough with his thrusts, and pretty deep not to mention. "Ah!~ ah!~ " Makoto sounded like a slut lol byakuya smirks "how filthy...my little whore gets turned on so easy..." Makoto nods "m-master you feel so good-" byakuyas smirk fades "who do you belong to Makoto?" "Y-you master-, "fuck! Mhm!~"  byakuyas smirk re appears "that's right, aw, is the little slut enjoying this?" He goes harder, makoto moans "master!~ y-yes your little slut loves this!~" byakuya grunts, his thrusts getting deeper "fuck- makoto you feel so good around me" Makoto moans "m-master!~" it was so hard for makoto to not cum. "Listen to you, it's pathetic. I'm kinda embarrassed for you makoto. I mean look at you, w-with your lewd expressions and noises." Makoto replies with some moans, "master!~" byakuya laughs lowly, "keep up those pretty little noises, hm? Makoto moans some more, "mmh! Ah!" Byakuyas thrusts got faster. He liked what he was hearing "ohhh~" Makoto moans his "name" a few times byakuya smirks, after a little bit he heard makoto becoming more desperate "aw, can you not hold it in anymore?" Makoto nods "alright fine I'll be nice,,, you can cum." Makoto sighs in relief and cumming on the both of them, byakuya was also close to his climax, he shortly after, cums in makoto with a groan he pulls out, "you did so good makoto...are you ok?" Makoto nods "just,,,,tired." Byakuya smiles, "alright...we should probably clean this before we sleep though. Makoto nods, he couldn't walk so byakuya helped him get into comfy clothes after cleaning the bed so they could both rest, afterwards he sets makoto down, laying down next to him "you did so good ok? I love you." Makoto smiles "I love you to" they both fall asleep an shshdhdh

A/N, I'm writing this at like.. 3-5 AM and I got lazy at the end, well that's your chapter, and I took some suggestions ;)

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