{i dont love you anymore prank} ~N.A~ part 2🤠

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Nick pov:i was hurt but i need to talk to y/n about this and not let it slide! Nick:uh thank you for telling me😄 chase:no problem:) nick:ima go bye👋 chase:okay bye. I then left his room and now walking to mine and y/ns room! I was mad but more hurt then mad:( i walked in the room to see y/n on her phone laying down texting someone but I didn't see who before she looked up and turned her phone off and got up and walked to me. You:hey baby:) she said like everything was fine!

Your pov:i am just going to act like I don't know anything and see if he brings it up and just be all lovey dovey.
You:hey baby:) i said and gave him a kiss and he kissed back but also didn't if that makes sense. Nick:hi:( y/n:what's wrong? Nick:you don't have nothing to tell me? You:no why? Nick:what were you doing when you were in chases room with him alone? You:nothing we were just filming for his yt channel,why? Nick:why are you lying to me right now? He said a lil mad now. You:what do you mean? I said trying to act confused! Nick:just tell me why! You:okay sit down then! I said and sat on the bed and so did he so now we are crisscrossing in front of each other. You:I don't love you anymore... i said looking down. Nick:wh-what? He said not able to get words out without stuttering. You:I don't love you! I said saying it a lil louder! Nick didn't say anything but he did let a 4-5 tears out. Nick:w-why? He said choking on his tears. You:I found someone new. Nick:o-oh d-does he m-make you h-happy? You:yes very happy. Nick:o-oh ok-okay... you:um im braking up with you... nick:i-if it makes y-you happy... he said now sobbing and i never seen him cry like this and it made me cry. You:no no don't cry its just a prank baby:( nick:a w-what? He said still crying... you:a prank:( he then gave me a hug and put his head in my neck and cried for about 10-15 minutes🥺 you:shh baby its okay shh🥺 nick:your not braking up with me? You:no never🥺 nick:🥺🥺 you:i love you my teddybear🧸💕 nick:i love you too🥺💕

We then had a movie night and fell asleep cuddling🥺

Words:445 words


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