Tokyo, Japan - Part 5

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Namjoon shook his head wildly, trying to spit out the gag so he could scream for help.

He could feel Seokjin's back pressed against him by the ropes, making it hard to breathe. One had to exhale while the other inhaled, due to how tightly they were tied together.

He tried to look over his shoulder to see how the other man was doing, but it strained his neck and he sighed, giving up. He squeezed Seokjin's hands, hoping to offer even the tiniest bit of comfort to his distraught coworker.

He knew Seokjin blamed himself for losing their babies, and Namjoon wished he wouldn't.

He shook his head again, giving himself a headache-

"Ah!" He gasped, his mouth finally free from the pillowcase.

His tongue was dry, but that was the least of his worries.

"Seokjin- are you okay?" He asked over his shoulder, worried for him.

Seokjin didn't reply, his head resting on his drawn up knees, and Namjoon wasn't sure if he just didn't want to talk or if he couldn't because he was still gagged.

"Jin, please look at me," he begged.

Seokjin didn't move for a moment, and then sighed deeply, raising his head to rest it against Namjoon's.

"It's not your fault." Namjoon said firmly. "They were smarter than we gave them credit for, and they had a gun. We couldn't do anything. Come on, we'll get them back. Please don't give up."

Seokjin glanced down at his shoes, unable to accept how Namjoon didn't blame him. It was his fault.

But he wasn't going to give up.

Namjoon felt the boy straighten up and smiled. "Good. Now, this is going to be a little awkward, but I think I can take your gag off with my teeth."

Seokjin nodded, turning his face to Namjoon as much as he could.

He only realized what Namjoon meant by awkward when their cheeks bumped together, and he felt the other mans breath lightly hitting him.

"Sorry if I hurt you," Namjoon murmured, his voice so deep in Seokjin's ear, and Seokjin tried not to shiver.

He closed his eyes, feeling Namjoon's pillow soft lips brush against his cheek. He felt goosebumps at the closeness. He could almost imagine Namjoon was kissing him, and his heart pounded.

Namjoon felt the scratchy pillowcase and bit it gently, trying not to bite Seokjin, and held it firmly, yanking his head away so the cloth was ripped free from Seokjin's mouth, falling against the boys neck.

Seokjin gasped in surprise, his eyes flying open. "Joon!"

"Are you okay?" Namjoon's instinctive question.

"Yeah, thank you." He struggled to get free of the ropes. "Come on, fuck, we gotta catch up to them!"

Namjoon beamed that Seokjin wasn't giving up, and then turned serious. "Okay, we need our hands free first. Lower your hands as much as possible, my fingers are longer so I think I might be able to reach the rope and untie you, and then you could untie yourself, and then me."

Seokjin nodded, lowering his hands to the floor as much as he could.

Namjoon felt his own hands get pulled down as well, since they were connected, and he strained to lift them, to reach the knot with his fingers.

It hurt, the ropes digging into his skin more with every passing second, and his fingertips were turning raw from how often they slipped against the scratchy rope, but he kept at it, determined to get all five of his babies back.

Seokjin was about to ask how it was going, but cut himself off with a short gasp when the ropes fell off his wrists.

He raised his now free hands, staring at them in awe. "Fuck, you did it!"

Namjoon sighed in relief, leaning against Seokjin as the other man started untying his ankles. "Thank God, I was getting a cramp."

Seokjin hastily picked at the knot, freeing his legs, and then felt around behind him for the large knot that bound the two boys together.

Namjoon squirmed as Seokjin's fingers ran up and down his sides. "J-Jin-"

"Got it!" Seokjin triumphantly called out, feeling the knot and starting to undo it. He could twist a little now to see better, and less than a minute later, the ropes fell from around their chests.

They both took a deep breath, relieved to finally be free.

Namjoon worked on freeing his ankles while Seokjin got to his feet, a little shaky as blood flow returned to his previously tied up limbs. He grabbed the pillowcase from around his neck and yanked it off, letting it fall to the floor.

"They're going to the airport." Namjoon said, standing up as well. "Hopefully their flight hasn't left yet, and we can catch them before they take off."

"But what about his gun?" Seokjin was worried about Namjoon, his babies or an innocent person getting shot.

"I have no idea how he snuck that on the plane, but I'm sure it's just for show." Namjoon said, hurrying to the bathroom.

He opened the door, as if checking to see if the American's had left a baby behind, but the room was void of any cute, puffy cheeked little boys, and he sighed.

"How the hell are we going to know what plane they're taking?" Seokjin asked as they raced out of the room, startling a housekeeper as they ran down the hallway. "We don't even know what country they're going to next!"

"He mentioned China," Namjoon said as they burst outside. He scanned the lot and spied a taxi. He grabbed Seokjin's hand and ran over.

While Namjoon spoke in Japanese to the driver, Seokjin looked down at the way Namjoon was holding his hand, softly smiling at the comfort it gave him.

Namjoon opened the door for him and Seokjin slid inside.

"We're stopping at our hotel to grab our stuff and Ben's phone, and then heading right to the airport." He translated for Seokjin, who nodded in understanding.

As the cab raced off, he glanced down at his hands, smiling again to himself when he realized the fact that Namjoon knew his own fingers were longer was because he frequently was staring at Seokjin's hands.

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