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—— CHAPTER ONE / that hot guy

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—— CHAPTER ONE / that hot guy


SHE WIPED THE DARK TABLE TO THE BEST OF HER ABILITY, MAKING SURE IT WAS SQUEAKY CLEAN. Heaving a sigh of satisfaction, she moved onto drop the damp rag by the sink in the little kitchen and get ready for the opening. She tied her hair in a neat bun, not letting her ebony hair fall into her face whilst working. The bandage tied around her head to cover her left eye was made sure to be secure so that it didn't fall apart during work.

Most other employees were about their business, almost done. She was the only one below the age of eighteen who worked at the bar. One more year, and she would be owning it. She glanced at the silver wristwatch clasped around her wrist. 5:15pm and forty-five minutes till opening time. Forty-five more minutes till the regulars started coming in and ordered their usual drink and mingled with people. With nothing more to do, she walked towards the bar counter, the heels of her flats clapping against the wooden floors. She reached out for a glass from above, where most glasses were hung from the glass holders.

She reached for the vodka and tomato juice and some other drinks to mess and mix.

"Hey," said someone when she was in the middle of mixing the tomato juice and vodka. She glanced at Kim, "Hey," she mumbled. "Still in love with Bloody Mary, I see." he said, taking his place across from her on one of the bar stools. Her black eyes looked him up and down with a smirk, "Still in love with looking ridiculous in suspenders, I see." she shot back, mimicking him. He snorted at the impression she made of him, his hair falling into his eyes. Silence bled between them as she prepared the drink.

"And... done!" she said, garnishing the drink with a celery stalk and slid the highball glass towards Kim Hyunwoo. Without hesitance, the older boy took a sip of the alcohol drink and smacked his lips after it travelled down his throat. "As refreshing as ever, Lady Aella."

She playfully glared at him, "I told you, call me Park, not Aella."

The boy rolled his brown orbs with a lopsided smile, "Yeah, yeah, sure, Lady Aella." The mentioned girl threw a stirring stick at him that she picked up from its little box, "Shut up, baller." He snorted once more when the stick barely grazed his ear and stuck his tongue out to her. Just as the college boy and the girl were fooling off with jokes and playful banter, the door swung open, letting a gust of the summer breeze in. As if on instinct, Aella turned to the person standing in the doorway, "I'm sorry, we're not—"

She stopped and her breath hitched when she saw him. His hair was messy as ever, an olive green eye mask admist his jungle of black locks, he donned a casual T-shirt, with navy blue pants and a gray jacket tied around his waist (and sometimes Aella wondered why he had it around his waist if he wasn't even going to wear it). The boy standing there flashed her a big smile, "Hi!"

Aella crossed her arms, "What're you doing here, Jin Mori?"

Drive him out of here, Park Aella. He's a danger, use Nalag—

She shut the sinister voice at the back of her mind out and waited for his answer. "Oh, I just wanted your Physics homework..." he said shamelessly, rubbing his nape with a sheepish grin.

"Of course, you'll get it!"

Aella gave Kim a look, her jaw slackened. The older boy opened his mouth to say something else. "And you can even—mphm!"

Aella gave Mori a faux smile, her hand tightening around Kim's mouth trying desperately to shut him up. "Ah, I'm sorry, I haven't done it yet." she told him, looking him directly in the eye and lying to him without batting an eyelash. "But the submission is due it two weeks... why're you doing it now?" No answer came and realization washed over her after which, she placed her hands on her waist, letting Kim's mouth go. "Wait, did you wanna copy my homework?"

The boy grinned shamelessly once again, "...yes?" Aella sighed and tugged on the bandages around her eye. She'd not give him her homework for the world. He always had a way with her anyways; waltzing into her castle in the Sage Realm whenever he pleased, simply looking for the pleasures of a good fight with her or teasing her or getting her to submit to him. Jecheondaeseong always played with her... it boggled her mind. And in this life, she wasn't going to submit to him. She knew he knew he was a god and she deduced that he probably hadn't gotten his memories back. If so, he would've destroyed all of Korea with a reckless decision.

A few hundred years ago, she would've tagged along with this horrible decision and fought with him but it seemed like a preposterous idea now. Maybe living in the human world gained her her humanity or maybe she had just become soft after 600 hundred years of not using her godlike powers after the great war that tore the Sage Realm apart... and it was all because of her. So all she could do now was wait for his memories to flow back and for him to hate her for killing all his people.

"Anything else?" she asked Mori with the sweetest smile she could muster.

"Uh, yeah... why do you wear bandages?"


Mori—who was genuinely puzzled as to why she did wear those things around her head—scratched his cheek in slight embarrassment as a pink hue spread across his face. It was no surprise to him at all, really; he was standing in front of a girl who could bring men to their knees if she wanted.

Aella glared at him. She didn't want to answer the question. It would only jog his memory. So she ignored and wrapped her fingers around the another alcohol bottle, fixing her attention to the said object. "You can go now, I have nothing to offer you." And she didn't look up until she heard him bid
a goodbye and the door close.

"What was that about?" questioned Kim, hooking a thumb over his shoulder, pointing at the door from which Mori had just exited. "I should be asking you that." replied Aella, her black orbs boring into his. The intimidated boy swallowed thickly. Times like these, when someone failed to deliver the vodka or when something went wrong, Aella was... scary. When she was infuriated, her glare would give not only him but all the staff chills. It wasn't even one of those cold glares to begin with. Her glare was a like hot, burning hellfire, causing friction to erupt and set anything and everything on fire.

"Why're you trying to ruin me?" she questioned, pouting.

"Well," he started, back in himself and thankful he wasn't burned to a crisp in those few seconds, "that guy was hot so I thought I'd hook you up with him."

"Saying Jin Mori is hot... isn't that cheating on your boyfriend?"

"Oi, I'm just saying! I'm allowed to look at the menu, aren't I?"

"Not really, dude."



𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑,  j.moriWhere stories live. Discover now