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—— CHAPTER ELEVEN / mcdonald's

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—— CHAPTER ELEVEN / mcdonald's


AELLA STARED AT THE LITTLE PIECE OF PAPER WITH HER EYEBROWS KNITTED. She stood in the middle of the sidewalk, her hands in the pockets of her pants and wondering where exactly Mori's house was located (she didn't know she walked into the wrong street). Clicking her tongue, she dug out her phone and called Daewi. Her finger moved to impatiently tap itself against the back of her phone as she waited for him to pick up. 


"Hi, Daewi."

"Hey, Aella, what's up?"

"Where's Mori's house?"

"I thought he gave you the address,"

"Yeah, he did but I can't find it."

"Alright," said Daewi from the other end, glancing at his sister making a mess in the kitchen, "what street are you in right now?"

Aella looked around for a board or a sign to tell her where she was with her lips pressed in a thin line. "Um, 3rd street... I think."

Daewi sighed deeply through his nose. "Aella," he started slowly, "you're in the wrong street."


"Mori's house is on the fifth, so it'll be a bit of a walk,"

"Oh, okay. Thanks, Daewi."

With everything said and done, she ended up standing in front of Mori's house which seemed quaint from the outside and she wondered if it was the same from the inside. She rapped her knuckles against the door, patiently waiting for somebody to open the door for her. With a turn of the lock and a faint click, the door swung open, wide enough for Mori to see Aella and Aella to see Mori.

She pursed her lips into a thin line to supress the laugh that was crawling up her throat. Mori looked ridiculous.

She was expecting a simple dinner or something even simpler; not him dressed in formal wear, his hair messily tamed which made it more wild, and him smelling like cologne and soap. The most she could do to not make him any more embarrassed that he already was, was to go along with it. So, she said, "Evening."

"Hi," he said, awkwardly scratching the the back of his neck with a finger. "Um, come in."

The house was dimly lit and a portable speaker in the corner spewed soft music. The round table in the centre of the living room was clothed with a white cloth, and a candelabra was sitting in the centre of it. Aella could barely hold it in now.

𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑,  j.moriWhere stories live. Discover now