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—— CHAPTER SIX / broken bits

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—— CHAPTER SIX / broken bits


HIS FEET MADE NO SOUND AS THEY CONNECTED WITH THE BLOOD RED CARPET. The halls were eerie, dark. And the castle, my oh my, was huge. He went wherever his legs took him, following his gut and trusting it to lead him to the main courtroom, he found himself right where he wanted. The courtroom, however, was empty. Eerie, like the rest of her castle. And now he had the time to wonder why there were no guards and people of the sort in her castle. It was quiet, so quiet it almost sent chills down his spine. The room he was standing in wasn't what a normal being would call a courtroom. It was just an empty room.

Meanwhile, she took a walk through the village, looking around for things that might entertain her or be of some use to her. The townfolk didn't mind their demon queen walking around; she was a good ruler and they had no need to speak to her, they were all demons after all. Her hands were clasped behind her back, her long black hair flowing behind her as the soft breeze caressed her skin. Her posture was perfect, as any royal's should be and she walked proudly, her head held high but her black eyes holding a look of pure violence. It was as if she was proud of her brutal nature.

It was hard to miss someone so appealing, really.

"My, my what a surprise to find you here." he said, matching his steps to meet hers so that he wouldn't be left behind. "I should be the one surprised," she said, not caring enough to spare him a glance, "no monkey has ever set foot in the land of Jiog." She stopped and turned to face Jecheondaeseong, her eyes in thin slits and the darkest red swirling in them making them glow, "What are you doing here?"

He moistened his lips and smirked at her, "Just came to visit a friend,"

The Demon Queen turned her attention back to the path and started walking, "You would want to leave Jiog if you value your eyes and ears, you filthy, loathesome cockroach."

"Ah," he put a hand on his heart, "the sweet, sweet words of a sweet girl."

"I'm not a girl, you lump of foul deformity."

"Of course you are," he stopped her with a hand wrapped around her wrist and his finger poking between her collar bones because any lower would be perverted, "don't pretend to be a woman when you're merely a girl lucky to be powerful enough to go against me."

'John, Jack and James, calling my name...'

The music boomed through the small palm-sized speaker and echoed through the entirity of the bar at seventeen and a half hours into the day. The sun was just setting, leaving the sky with mellow and lilac shades. She sang along with the song, it being one of her favorites as she twirled a pencil around between her fingers, a habit she picked up sometime in middle school.

Question 11.
Solve the following:
i) x/5+(x-1)/3.

Her hair were free and long enough to brush her waist. It always got annoying to cut them off and then see them grow so long in only a week's time. She nibbled on the eraser on the back of her pencil, carful not to bite the whole thing off and swallow it. And with the final answer of the question written in her notebook, she slammed it shut and pushed up the shoulder of her over-sized sweater because it kept slipping down to reveal her bra strap which, for the record, she did not like. It wasn't that she wasn't conscious of her body or anything, she just didn't like showing it off as much as other girls from school.

'Honey if you want me, you better think twice
You know I never call when I'm falling in love...'

And just then, someone burst through the door. "Hi, Aella!" The voice was easily recognizable and ridiculously loud, for who could ever forget Mori's obnoxious voice? "What're you doing here, Mori?" she drawled, not looking up from her work, hoping he would get the idea and sod off. "I came to visit you," then as if he just remembered, he added, "and to get my eyemask. It's the only one I have."

Aella sighed and picked the said thing from the back pocket of her jeans and handed it to him, "Anything else?"

"I have a question."

'Between the bars, back seats of cars...'


"Why do you wear bandages like Daewi?"

"That's none of your business."

He seemed unconvinced but brushed it off as easily as he would brush off dust off his shoulder. Clueless on what to say next, he peered at her homework. His messy hair tickled the crook of her neck and cheek, resulting in a cherry hue spreading across her cheeks. She had never been this close to a boy ever since she broke up with her boyfriend last year and boy, this was way scarier than holding hands with her ex. "What are you doing?" she asked, lamely trying to keep her voice steady. He looked up at her and told her, "The answer to this question is wrong." Then his face twisted in confusion and he placed a hand on her forehead, "You're red and hot."

God, that sounded so wrong.

"My grandpa said that you only turn red if you have a fever or its hot outside." She flushed a deeper red at his cluelessness. Get a grip, Park Aella. This is no time to be smitten with boys. You must eliminate him.

Aw, come on, a little won't hurt.

"Oh, you're burning up!"

She placed her hands on his chest and pushed him away, crossing her hands after and puffing her cheeks. "I'm fine."

"I don't think you are," he stated, poking her cheek with a finger, "you seem to have a fever."

She turned away, her hands on her warm cheeks. She inwardly whined and breathed deeply, hoping she sucessfully managed to calm herself done. Turning back to face him but not looking him in eye, she said, "I'm fine, Mori." The boy refused to belive as she marched past him, a different fire in her eyes. He followed her upstairs and she stopped, seeing that he wasn't going to leave. "Well, you can go now," she told him, making a dismissive gesture, trying to shoo him away. Mori pouted, "But I wanna spend time with you."

Aella trapped her bottom lip between her teeth in uncertainty. Mori continued, "I heard a new horror movie came out day before... do you wanna go with me?" Aella frowned once more. To say the least, she didn't know what to say. A part of her wanted to go with him, to simply be with him. But the other part, however, didn't want to tie them together, she'd only end up breaking her own heart when he remembers who he truly was. And she would have no one to blame but herself. But then again, she never had a chance of having him love her back. He could always have someone else.

And the very thought of him being next to someone, another woman, made her stomach turn and her heart shatter like how when a mirror breaks into a million pieces—reflecting only the broken bits as you look into it. Maybe the little things about him that she fell in love with weren't hers to love.

"I can't go with you."


𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑,  j.moriWhere stories live. Discover now