Why cant the Alpha love someone else!?!

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Ok so this is my reposting of the story, its slowed down more, and I think you guys will like it better! Love you all!!



Why can’t the alpha love someone else!?!


Ryan’s P.O.V.

(a/n, Ryan is a girl, I know it’s a guys name, just roll with it!)

    Today was a full moon! Crap! I have to find a place to hide. I jumped out of the tree I had just climbed and sprinted off into the woods. Your probably wondering what’s up, right? Well I’m a werewolf, more precisely a rouge. I’m not exactly welcome in territories, but that’s not the problem, the problem is when a fem wolf turns sixteen they go into heat. Now your asking why such a young age, well if your in a pack you can find your mate, well since I’m a rouge males can take me, and yes I said males its kind of like gang raping, I’m seventeen now and iv avoided this scenario for a year. I was still running when I dropped to the ground in pain, the moon was up and my bones started to snap themselves and rearrange inside me, while they grew in size, reshaping, they stretch my skin as it starts growing silver and white fur. The pain was almost unbearable, but after a few minutes of pain it subsides and I’m a wolf. I can run faster and see better in this form but I’m small, most weres are huge, the size of bears but I’m just bigger than a cub. The trees were blurring past me, I loved running it gave me peace. I had just dogged a tree when I was tackled to the ground from behind. It was a werewolf, I could smell him. I wormed my way away from him, and looked at him, he was huge, bigger than anyone iv ever seen, he has navy blue eyes with purple flecks laced through them, and he had dark black fur, it made him blend into the night of the forest. I was scared, I didn’t know if he was going to hurt me, and I couldn’t fight him, maybe I could run… I stepped back a few feet, I thought he didn’t realize it, but when his growl came out I stopped and looked at him. We were still looking at each other when suddenly I was tackled from the side, this wolf bit into my stomach and then the lower part of my neck. He’s rouge, they attack before the claim, a female. I was bleeding badly on the verge of death when he started to call for others, but he never got the chance, I saw through my darkening vision the black wolf attack him, snapping his neck and throwing him to the ground. I lost so much blood, and my vision has finally blackened, my hearing was starting to disappear, but a low whimpering next to me. I felt a nudge, but it did nothing.  My form was starting to slip away from me, I was to weak to hold it up.

‘don’t you dare let go!’ a voice in my head yelled, it was another wolf, he had a beautiful voice. It was deep and strong, but it sounded worried, hurt, angry, and sad. I wish I could help him. I felt like I was the reason causing him pain.

‘sorry…I cant’ with that I felt my form slipped away from me, my bones reshaped and shrunk so I was once again human. I blacked out right after a furious mans yell.


Aragon’s P.O.V.

    Today was a full moon, I’m eighteen and alpha, my father died six months ago and five months ago my mother killed herself. I’m alpha but I wont fully be one until I find my mate. it’s a full moon and once I shifted I ran off into the woods.(a/n, I didn’t want to describe the shift again so I made it short, lol!) I was stopped running when a white ball flew past me, the weres smell came towards me and it was delectable, I had to have her, running behind her I caught up and tackled her to the ground,. She was very small for a fem, but beautiful, she had silver and white fur, gold eyes with red laced into them, they were so interesting, iv never seen eyes like hers. I didn’t know my mate was starting to move away from me, and when I did I growled at her, I was still looking at her when a rouge came at her and attacked I didn’t realize what he was doing, it all happened fast, when he was going to call for others I quickly gabbed him by the neck, quickly snapping it and tossing him to the ground dead. There are only a few ways to kill a were, snapping there neck is the most common. I looked down at my mate, her once white fur was now stained red with her blood. I walked over to her and whimpered not knowing what to do. I saw her bones twitching from the outside, she was going to shift back.

‘don’t you dare let go!’ I thought to her. I just found her, she was mine, my mate, my other half, the one who holds my heart! I love her! She cant leave me. If she turns back she will die in a matter of minutes.

‘sorry…I cant’ she said her voice was an angels, it was soft and weak, she was loosing the battle, and then she started to shift forms, I shifted quicker than her and she laid there unmoving, I let out a yell, into the air  and kneeled to the ground next to her. Her wounds were almost healed but they were still deep and bleeding.

“open your eyes” I used in my alpha voice, but she had blacked out. My beta and a bunch of my pack ran to were they herd my yell, looking at the body of the dead rouge and my bleeding mate, they had shock etched in there face. Our pack doctor came over to me and checked me but I growled. “Check the girl, Harold. She’ bleeding badly and she has to live.

“She is a rouge Alpha” he said while examining her wounds, I shook my head and growled lowly.

“no she is not, she is going to be your alpha female.” I said, he, along with the others in the area had shock written on there faces. “Jake, I think there are other rouges in the area, take some men and find them.” I told my beta. He nodded his head and the men shifted. Without a second glance he ran off into the woods with the others following. While this went on, Harold had managed to stop the bleeding and bandage all her wounds.

“I think she is going to be out for a few days, to replenish her energy” he told me, and I picked her up and started walking back to our village with Harold. “I’m glad you finally found her, Alpha. And she is also very pretty.” he told me, with a light chuckle. I smiled.

“yes, I am lucky, she is going to be amazing. I cant wait for her to wake up, and we can get to know each other.” I said. He smiled, we were both laughing, when we reached my house, he said good bye and went off to find his mate. My house was big, it was painted a medium brown, with dark brown shutters. Inside it was all modern, with black, white and dark green as the color scheme. My room was the exception being blue, gold and black. I took my mate to my room, and laid her on the bed. She was beautiful. It was late so I went to the couch in my room, and laid down for bed. Today has been a long day.

WOW!!!! I like this better, its your job as my fans to vote and comment. And if your not my fans, vote comment and fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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