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The stars twinkle above my head as I gaze at them, feelings of pure awe and wonderment rippling within me. There is times when I just sit back and cherish, appreciate, the world. It is simply impossible for us to every fully understand and comprehend, the sheer vastness of the dark mixture of stars and abyss that surrounds us. The universe, and it's convoluted labyrinth of secrets, is effortlessly beyond our understanding, and it may be that way forever.

That's what has always intrigued me about space, drawn me to it - it's all encompassing mystery.

Curled up on the forest floor, I have the perfect view here by my lonesome. "It's so beautiful." I smile in awe.

"It truly is." A voice answers and I jump at the new presence.

The small, figure of a boy sits next me. I peer closer and my eyes widen in amazement. "Ethan?"

I feel a sharp pain in my chest. "Hey sis, how was school?" He grins, showcasing his boyish looks. He is such a charmer, always flirting with girls and tricking them with that twinkle in his eye. He retained those alluring qualities throughout childhood, shaping them into his own design as he grew older.

"It was great," I respond, feeling the pressure of tears building. Someone clears their throat behind me and I look over my shoulder to see my younger sisters, Ashley and Kelsey.

"Aren't you going to ask about our day, twerp?" Kelsey asks, the signature hand on her hip. Ashley mimics her older sister's peeved expression, despite the fact we all know she is the quiet, sweet one. She dreams of a better world and buries her head in books - something that we always loved to do together. I remember when we used to obsess over handsome men, and inspirational women.

Laughter rings from behind me, and I twist to see my parents snuggled closer together on the back of the large picnic blanket we are all squished on. My mum shoots a scolding look at Kels. "With an attitude like that, it is no surprise Ethan only asked about Kiara's day." 

My dad chuckles, the sound bringing a smile to my mother's lips as she leans her head against his shoulder. All their eyes return to the valley of stars above us, however mine linger on each of their glowing faces. My very much in love parents, my gently affectionate youngest sister, Ash, my rebellious sister, Kelsey, and my lovable little romeo, Ethan.

My fond moment of observing ends abruptly with the snap of a nearby branch. Something's wrong, and I watch hopelessly as their smiling faces turn to looks of horror. They all look in the same direction, but when I do the same, I see nothing. Help. We need help. Before anyone can even run for assistance, a dark shadow darts between us, travelling from one person to another. All except me.

I watch my family, who sit silently with blank expressions. The air is crisp with eerie silence. All of a sudden, the skin of their necks begins to split across. An invisible blade drags along the skin; the sounds of ripping flesh echoing around me. Blood pours from the open cuts, soaking their clothing and the blue blanket. I want to scream, I want to cry out, but something keeps my outcries at bay, holding me frozen in place.

I wish I could close my eyes - but I can't even do that. I'm forced to watch on as the life seeps away from my family, the plain expressions still plastered on their faces. Who would do this? What would do this?

Terror bubbles up into my throat when I notice that none of them have fallen down, they sit up right, and stare unblinkingly at me. My mother cracks her neck to the side with a nauseating snap, narrowed eyes on me. "You did this to us. You killed us," she hisses from behind bloody teeth.

Once again, those invisible forces at play prevent me from replying, from defending myself. Kelsey crawls towards me. Her hands, bent into claws, dredge into the blanket as she approaches. "Are you happy? Happy we died and you didn't? I hate you." Her voice is venomous and unforgiving, as if she honestly does hate me.

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