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I had an epiphany the other night and realised 'Kill of the Night' by Gin Wigmore describes this book to a T (Subliminal hint that I listened to that song for major inspiration). Hmm, I might start attaching songs to chapters. 

"There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in."

If someone watching upon this situation was to give me a commentary on what they saw. They might say that they caught a glimpse of a young man caring for a young woman. They might say that I was saved by a masked angel. For the fiesty viewers out there, they might even say that this is some kinky foreplay.

        Too bad none of them will ever hit the nail right on the head.

Dread poisons my stomach in copious amounts, entering my veins and numbing my senses. "I knew you weren't advanced in the art of creativity, but please do think of a better name for me." Even with my back to him I could feel his eyes roll with disdain.

"If you indulged me and told me your name, I wouldn't have to think up obscene names for you," I snap over my shoulder.

My stomach aches from the oozing wound above my belly button, my slashed arm is stinging as well and the cocktail of drugs he fed to me some twenty four hours ago, is coming into full effect. My vision sways with each twitch of my head. "What did you do to me?" I ask quietly, fearful of the answer. Maybe I'll always revert to this default setting. Forever the weak and defenceless creature at heart.

        I'm but a lamb, waiting for life to slaughter me.

He laughs cynically at me. "Before you attacked me with a cooking utensil? Oh, I slipped something into your drinks. I don't believe you took basic chemistry at your community college, so I'll dumb it down for you." I draw in a bitter breath, when I feel a palm caress my lower abdomen. His hand placed on my wounded stomach is a gesture that only further incites my insatiable hatred for this man. For all that he has forced me through in the space of a couple of days. "The drugs I've been kindly injecting you with, they can pacify and incapacitate someone easily. Most of them are paralytic, taking effect immediately and then wearing off some hours later. But what I gave you at our little party, was a little more lethal."

My voice feels hoarse and dry when I speak. "Why? Isn't it easier to stab me in the heart and get this over with?" I see no reason why he should be keeping me around anymore.

Once again, he laughs. The sound skyrocketing my simmering anger to boiling point. "I already told you. I wanted you to run, and the drugs make you easier to catch. They give you vivid hallucinations, make your reactions slower, and if I hadn't of caught you, they would have eventually eaten away every cell in your body like maggots on a bloody corpse."

That didn't answer anything. "Then why am I still in pain?" I whisper, too afraid to look at the person behind me.

"Because I want you to suffer." A toxin more potent than the one in my veins, seeps into his malignant words. I can summon no definitive reason as to why this horror movie is still playing. It needs to be shut down.

Unknowingly, my thoughts drift back to the spellbinding glide of that jagged glass down my wrist, the delicious drips of velvety crimson tainting my snowflake skin, I want it. I thirst for it. I feel my emerald irises dilate back and forth under the influence of the hallucenogenic drugs; no wonder I had that horrific nightmare, it was him. All him. Jesus Christ, I'm losing my mind.

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