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I have a thrill and a high profile skill. I must have dominance, I will get your full confidence. I crave for lust even though you disgust. I control all things with you as you go on a stroll. I will make you bow down to me, this will be your downfall. I am very intelligent as you become very diligent. I will stalk you as you start to feel distraught. I'm just your neighbour, or maybe a co-worker. Do You Feel Me? Do You Want More?

~ Mind of a Serial Killer, Tammy Reams

"Kiara pass the milk!" Ethan calls from across the kitchen where he sits atop the bench-top.

I scowl at him, throwing the milk carton to his open hand. "Drink out of that and so help me-" The cheeky boy steals a swig from the carton before I can finish my sentence, and then fills up his bowl of sugary cereal.

"Oi mate. Pass it over," A voice hollers from behind me. The carton hurtles through the air to the boy standing behind me.

Twisting on my stool at the kitchen island, I scowl at my boyfriend who takes a gulp of the milk himself. He pays me no mind when I swat at his chest, consuming the rest of the fresh milk. "Luca Francesco Dalfini, I am going to kill you for doing that!"

His hands raise in defence. "Come on, babe. It's our two year anniversary, can we fight over my drinking problems tomorrow?"

"We started dated when I was thirteen, and you were fifteen, it didn't count as a relationship then."

His hands hook around my waist, pulling me to him. "Every second of every minute of every hour; it counts. I would be nowhere without you."

I roll my eyes at his theatrics. "Did you remember the reservations for dinner tonight?"

"What reservations?"

"Freaking hell. I cannot trust you with anything." My head shakes with disappointment. "That's it, no kisses for you tonight."

His carved lips pull into a pout. "I've been good this whole week, I only hit one person and it was my coach in training."

"No kissing," I spell out.

Slyly, he grins at my response. "You're forgetting how much we can do, without kissing."

Fake puking sounds alert us to the presence of my brother. "Fucking hell, Lu. Why not just bang my sister on my bed while you're at it?" Ethan shakes his head in disgust and crosses the kitchen to the doorway leading into the main hall. He stops before stepping out completely. "Bros my ass. The bro code is deader than the rat skeleton underneath my bed."

Luca yells to him as he rounds the corner. "I can pick on you too! The guy who eats breakfast in the afternoon!" He teases back. My boyfriend does have a point, Ethan has a weird habit of eating breakfast after school, just like today.

It's not exactly normal in a family of people who love their Frosties in the morning.

I look back at Luca, who is smiling at me with a strange look in his eyes. "What is that look for?" I ask, he stills and then spontaneously presses a gentle kiss to my mouth.

My fingers reach up to touch the tingling flesh, my lips curving at the corners into a quirky smile. "What did I do to deserve that?" I say, my cheeks flaming with warmth.

"That's for being my girlfriend." He leans forward, and peppers kisses down my jaw, stealing away my precious breath. "That's for putting up with my bullshit." I grin at his crudeness and he places a sweet kiss to my temple. "That's for being the only one to complete me." My heart melts at his words. "And this is to say I. Love. You."

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