Who Am I

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Bind me in my words of hope

See me through my words not spoken

I am not a fairy, I am not a tale

I am made up with desires, in wishes I sail

Come closer to me you may find me unseen

I am sorely damaged by the infliction of thee             

I came into hiding 'cause I may scare you

That grotesque creature ,you may call me I knew

I am unprotected, I am uncivilised

In the manner of not loving, the wise

I am not protected by you

For I have gone against the rule

I am daughter of beauty, the most alive

Don't leave me in dungeons for I can not survive

The symbol of horror my existence is

The face of sorrow I carry with

Come hither young fellow

Come hither my friend

I will sing you my tale

I will tell you my song

I am a dove of peace

In the garden of beauty

I am a bird of tranquility

In my mother's womb

You ask me my name

I will not tell you so

'Coz there hundreds of words

Defining me though

I hatch the seeds of love wherever I go

I carry with me the warmth thus can not be showed

I admire the parade of singing birds

Singing to me their love


I dangle like flowers from their stems

I sway like a lily overwhelmed

By the gust of winds from every side

I tell my tale in the joyous ride

I am born with nature's attributes

I am inclined to be loving, that I should

Under the beauty's glance

I grew and played

Why you forgot me by making such laws

To not love one, oh the pain it caused

The delicate presence of this emblem of love

How imprudently tortured by the unfeeling world

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