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We made our way to the embassy where we were supposed to have our battle. On our way there, I had learned that the masked man's name was Dream. He was the leader of the Dream SMP and the cause of the war. He was a leader that brought brutality and tyranny to the citizens of L'Manburg.

We reach the embassy, but Dream's warriors are nowhere to be seen. Then, an arrow fires from above, which turns into a sizzling sound, then large explosions start going off from under the ground. We rushed into the embassy and peer out of the entrance.

Up upon the tower right beside the embassy was Dream, George, Sapnap, and Punz all staring down at us with evil smiles on their faces, and they are all equipped with bows. They start firing at us, so we all hide behind the walls. Tommy and I are the only ones that have bows, so we take positions on either side of the entrance shooting arrows one by one. Wilbur had a great idea of putting half slabs on the entrance, making it safer for us and harder for them to aim.

Out of the seven arrows, I had shot, I had hit five of them, but only two of them actually injured them. The other three had bounced off the armour. I had hit Punz in the arm and George in the leg. Punz then was struggling with his aim and gave up to fix his arm while the arrow in George's leg caused him to become distracted.

Wilbur had volunteered himself to be a distraction and run around below. Great, three things to worry about now, shooting, not getting shot, and the president not getting shot.

If an arrow was getting close to Wilbur, I would send a gust of wind to stop the arrow from hitting him. Sapnap was trying to shoot him down, and he was a very good shooter as far as I was concerned.

Finally, Dream yelled for his men to retreat, which caused a tiny celebration among the others for a tiny bit, but it wasn't over yet.

Fundy has gotten severely hurt by a flaming harming arrow that Dream had shot him with. Me being one of the only people who actually knew first aid stayed with Fundy while the rest of L'Manburg had gone to follow Dream and his warriors.

Fundy was in critical condition, and I didn't have the proper things to treat his wound, so we decided it was best to head back to L'Manburg and use materials there.

I brought him inside the hot dog van and treated him, then let him rest for a bit, wondering how the others were doing. He had a burn from the flaming arrow that had spread a tiny bit, giving him burn marks around his wound. The harming arrow had done a number on him, which explains why he almost went unconscious when I pulled out the arrow. Fundy was in a lot of pain and he and I both agreed that he should close his eyes for a bit. I washed the blood off my hands and zoned out for a bit, checking Fundy's pulse once in a while.

I suddenly heard happy screams in the distance, which were getting louder and louder saying they were getting closer. I look out the hot dog van's window to see the members of L'Manburg cheering as they walk through the entrance. I had assumed they had won the battle and exited the hot dog van to greet them.

Tommy and Tubbo had gone inside the hot dog van and started rambling about their great battle. Something about Punz and his tower and how Tommy will kill a green bastard. Eret had gone off on their own to do who knows what. I haven't seen Niki all morning...

"Wilbur," I call, hoping he has any idea where the other lady of L'Manburg was. "Yeah North? How can I help you?" He asks me, smiling. "Have you seen Niki this morning, or is she busy doing something?" I question. Wilbur gives me a puzzled look, but it looks a little worried. "Actually, come to think of it, I haven't seen her since yesterday when she said she was leaving to get more food," Wilbur says, his voice slowly dying off as he finished his sentence. He looks at me with a worried expression, which causes me to become worried.

"Niki got captured,"

-752 Words-

Question Of The Chapter: Who is the most chaotic member of the Dream SMP?

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