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"North, NORTH! Wake up!" A voice says, aggressively shaking North's shoulders. "What do you want?" North mumbles with a raspy voice. She squinted her eyes because of how bright it was and saw white and red, immediately figuring out who it was. "What Tommy, I need to sleep," North says, pushing Tommy away and closing her eyes again, grasping her pillow. "Quackity knows about the election and now he's started his own party to run against ours!" Tommy whisper screams to North, grabbing her pillow from underneath her. She turns her head and gives him a death glare. "Tommy, I thought you guys had said you had everything under control!" North exclaims.

"It's too early for this, give me my fucking pillow back before I stab you." "It's eleven-thirty North, it's not early at all, and I will give your pillow back on one circumstance," Tommy says. "What." "You let me use your big blue fork thingy," Tommy says. "Oh piss off Tommy," North mumbles, nuzzling in her arms bow as a makeshift pillow. "Fine. Take your pillow back. Sleep till tomorrow for all I care," he says, throwing the pillow at North. She grabs it and stuffs her face into it.

She is about to drift off to sleep when she hears something being touched under her bed. She opens her eyes to see Tommy printing out of the room, her trident in hand. "TOMMY YOU LITTLE RACOON BITCH GET BACK HERE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" North screams at him, not sure if she was joking around or not. She grabbed a sweater and threw it on before chasing after the boy. He runs through all of L'Manburg, laughing and screaming along the way. "TOMMY I GAVE YOU A LIFE AND I'M WILLING TO TAKE THAT AWAY IF YOU DON'T GIVE ME BACK MY FUCKING TRIDENT!" North felt her head ache from that memory, but she dismissed it and kept chasing Tommy.

"Hahaha bitch, come and get me!"  North caught up with Tommy easily after that and tackled him to the ground, tugging the trident. She eventually gets the trident from him and begins walking back to the cabin before she notices Tommy running full speed after her. She quickly made her way to the nearest water source and propelled her way upwards back to the sleeping cabin.

She looked back and saw Tommy standing still with his jaw dropped. "WHAT. THE. FUCK?!" Tommy yells, running to try and catch up with her as she lands. "HOW DO YOU HAVE A FLYING FORK?!" Tommy exclaims as he approaches North, breathing heavily. "Magic," North chuckles as she admires the tool in her hand once more. She would probably engrave designs into it some time to make it even better. "Can I try it out? Please," Tommy begs, sagging out the E. "No." North feels hands grab her sleeve and she turns around to see Tommy looking into her soul with watering puppy dog eyes. "Uhh, what are you doing," North questioned the teenager, slowly backing away. "Can I please try out your flying fork North?" Tommy asks again with big eyes. "No." "WHY?" Tommy whines, breaking eye contact. "Fine, I'll bother you until you let me try then," Tommy says.

North shrugs and walks back into the house, Tommy following close behind. North rummages through her chest for a change of clothes, as she was still in her sleeping wear and a sweater. She walked to the change room and is about to close the door when Tommy walks in too. "TOMMY! What are you doing?! Get out!" North exclaims, pushing him towards the exit. "Then let me use your flying fork bitch." "It's a trident." "Whatever, same thing," he says rolling his eyes. "Fine, but after I am ready, I'm taking it back. You better be careful with it, that took me hours to make," North says, handing him the trident. He looks at it with big eyes and snatched it, running out of the building screaming incoherent words.

North sighs and tries to put on all her clothes as fast as possible. She wanted to get back her trident before he damaged it or himself. She slipped on her outfit and dashed out of the building, looking around for Tommy. She saw him propelling up and falling back down into a pond nearby. "Tommy!" North says approaching him. He glances over and gets out of the water, dragging his feet towards me. "Aw, I did even get to do it for long!" Tommy whined, handing me the trident. I inspect it before I slide it into its place on my back.

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