15. Little White Lies

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Pine Falls was ironically named after Pine trees, which covers every corner of the small town.

The trees zip pass as the car quickly rides down the frosty road. There's a song quietly playing in the background while my mind races.

It may seem stupid or belittle but this is my first party since I've moved and to say I'm anxious would be an understatement.

At the same time I feel unsafe and safe, after all there is a murderer on the loose, but next to Harry is his car - that smells exactly like him, I feel secure.

Niall was happy when I told him, he's been smiling a lot more than Peter's death and I'm glad to find him moving on despite of how long it's been since Peter passed.

I'm still not over the fact that this waste of air still hasn't been found. I'm somehow amazed at how this person has committed a flawless crime, multiple times, without leaving so much as a faint clue behind.

"What are you thinking about?" Harry murmurs, breaking me from my thought. I take my head away from the chilly window and look at him. He slightly smiles at me before looking back at the road.

"Nothing." I quietly say, I don't want to admit that I'm scared over some stupid high school party. I look over my outfit for what appears to be the millionth time. My leather skirt isn't as short as what other girls will presumably be wearing but that doesn't stop me from subconsciously tugging at it. I shouldn't of worn a sequin top either, I don't want to attract any attention which is going to be hard since I look like a fucking disco ball.

"I know you're thinking about something," he pinches his lip in between his fingers.

I sigh before turning to face him in my seat, "I just can't believe no one has any clue as to who this killer is."

He slowly nods before taking his fingers away, "Maybe they do, and they're not telling us."

"The police?"

"Yeah, and maybe some other people know too."

"Do you think there's a group doing this?" I gape at him, I haven't really thought that an entire gang could be behind this.

"At this stage, who knows?" He huskily whispers, changing the radio station.

"Do you think something will happen tonight?" I lean back in my seat after my back starts to hurt from the awkward position I was previously sitting in.

"No, there's too many people." I see him look at me from the corner of his jade eyes.

"Then why did you invite me?" I cockily smirk. I finally realize that maybe the reason he asked me to come with him, might not be related to our little mission.

"The murders," He rolls his eyes.

"But you-"

"We can ask people.. shit." He trails off slightly, searching for the right words.

His posture has become tense and he's tightly gripping the steering wheel. He's obviously frustrated so I decide to rile him up some more, "So this is your version of a date? Well-"

"Date?" He chokes, and I try my hardest to stifle a laugh. "I don't think-"

"Harry, chill. I was joking" I chuckle at him. I look out the window so I don't embarrass him any more but from the corner of my eye, I catch him slightly smirking as he shakes his head.

We slowly roll to a stop. There's hundreds of cars parked along side the road, which means we'll have to walk a fair distance. Than god I decided to not wear heels.

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