11. Drunken Dinner

117 19 22

Unedited as always

"Jesus Christ!" Harry curses, my heart is pounding so harshly in my chest, it feels as if it might explode. The constant sound of tyres screeching and loud car horns are loud and make my blood burn cold.

"Harry!" I yell, hoping he's alright. The other line drops silent, there's no more sounds of cars and I can't hear Harry at all. Oh god.

"Harry?" I weakly whisper, I pray with every bone in my body that he's alright. "Harry?" I repeat even louder this time.

"Fucking dickhead," Harry groans into the line. I laugh from joy and annoyance at the same time.

"Get off the phone, idiot," I continue to laugh, glad he wasn't hurt. It was stupid of him to be on the phone while driving, but that was partly my fault. I hang up before he has a chance to say anything.

I laugh the entire way home, happy knowing that he's safe.

When I close the door, I don't smell any dinner cooking and my dads car is in the driveway. This is not what I expected.

"Mum? Dad?" I call out into the somewhat empty house. I hear the clicking of shoes and shortly after my dad appears from the living room, all dressed up in a blue suit.

"We're going out to dinner, hurry up and get dressed." He commands fixing the suits cuff. I huff from annoyance, not wanting to go to dinner with my chaotic family that's falling apart. I have a ton of homework and studying for my math test on Friday. I quickly get dressed and into semi-formal wear, actually pleased with the navy lace dress.

"Put a jacket on," is the first thing my mum thee says as soon as she sees me. I roll my eyes, before stomping back upstairs and grabbing my leather jacket. I know mum doesn't like this specific jacket, but it spurs me on to wear it.

We drive to a fancy restaurant, that I definitely will look out of place in. I'm glad that the restaurant is warm, almost blazing hot, and I find that my jacket is quickly swiped away from me. I'm anxious to see how this dinner will go, it'll either be awkward silence or will quickly turn into a heated argument.

I almost empty my stomach when my lovely father pulls out my mothers chair. I've decided that this chat will be filled with corny innuendos and stuffed with my father sucking up to me.

I snatch the brown menu of the table, helplessly trying to ignore the way my parents are looking at each other.

"Faye," I look up to meet my fathers gaze, "how was school?"

I scoff, "Schools hard enough for any teenager despite a teenager that's still mourning her classmate." I mutter bitterly. My mums fave drops in shock and my father awkwardly coughs.

He goes back to conversation with my mother, completely ignoring me.

"I got a promotion at work yesterday, I'm managing the experiment now," my father says loudly enough so the both of us can hear.

My dad's a scientist, he's been dedicated to the same experiment for years now. He won't tell anyone exactly what it is, says it's top secret. It regulated another fight between my parents, mum complained saying that he didn't trust her, even I found it incredibly petty and thought she was looking too far into it.

My mothers jaw goes slack, "Wow! That's amazing, good job honey," when she leans over to kiss him, I look away disgusted. How can they go from wanting a divorce to this? The sight of them kissing makes me revolted and I silently thank the waiter when he appears to take our orders. My eyes bulge out of my head when I notice the waiter is Niall. I hold back a laugh at how unhappy he looks in his mahogany coloured vest and tie. He notices who I am as well because he looks down at me; his eyes slightly widening.

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