4. Wellington Wolves

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"Faye, help me clear the dishes."

I huff in annoyance but still help anyway. I gather all the dishes before meeting my mother in the kitchen.

"Dad still not home?" I place the dishes on the silver sink.

"It's Thursday, he always works later tonight." She tells me, not that it mattered anyway. "There's a Cheers marathon on in five minutes."

We both grin at each other as we work faster to clear all of the dishes. We rush into the living room and drop down into the sofa at the same time. With a click of the button the large television comes to life.

I almost groan once I see that the daily news is on, but before I can change the channel, the remote is snatched out of my hands.

"A thirty five year old man has been found dead at the back of the June Lake, in Pine Falls. Police found the man at ten o'clock last night after he had been reported missing for three days. He was found with multiple stab wounds to his lower stomach and animal-like scratches across his chest. Forensic scientists have been working on the scene to find any evidence but with no such luck. An autopsy is currently being held to determine, what the scratches are from."

My Mum and I sit in silence as the news reporter tells us the grim news. A noticeable shiver runs down my spine. Animal-like scratches?

I turn on the couch front of with my mother who is weakly staring back at me, "Do you still think we should've moved?" I spit. This move hasn't done anything in fixing my parents relationship, in fact it's made it worse.

"Your father and I both thought it was necessary!" She spits back at me, raising her voice.

Pine Falls only had a population of around one thousand, nine hundred, well minus one now. It was eerie to think that a murder had been held at the same place where I was now living. Pine Falls wasn't a large place, and everyone knew each other so who was next?

I left without another word, I also harshly stomped up the stairs for effect. Sure things at school were going alright but my parents fighting was getting worse. They didn't think I noticed but around midnight when I'm in 'bed', Dad will come home. It only takes a few seconds for the yelling to begin. But what my mother had said last night left me questioning everything ever since.

"I know why you're never home, Logan! You're cheating on me I know it!"

The yelling immediately stopped after that, for which I was glad. I don't think I could've handled my own father admitting such despicable crimes. I guess I always knew it, it was a thought that I kept deeply buried at the back of my mind.

As soon as I hopped under my warm covers that belonged to my bed. A river of guilt flooded into me. I couldn't believe how selfish I was to speak to my mother like that. I could only imagine what it would feel like for the person that you thought you loved, that you shared a house and a child with, to admit to cheating on you.

My hands run over my face, when I roll on my side I see on my bedside table, a small clock illuminated writing 3:26am. I let out a deep sigh and hope that I can get to sleep soon.

When I wake in the morning, my eyelids feel heavy and I can't properly see out of them. Everything is blurry and I slightly stumble as I get dressed into ripped black jeans and a biker jacket. I can barely even see myself in the mirror, but I'm sure I don't want to. I rub my eyes a couple of times, and I'm glad my vision has been regained. When I look at my reflection I don't even look like myself, I have deep bags under my eyes and my normally smooth brown hair, is a frizzy mess. My eyes look more grey than blue today and my lips are an odd purple colour. I look like pure shit.

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