3. Nameless Forest

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I mentally curse at myself throughout the short walk to my next class for paying zero attention in Geography. I've never been any good at Geography and I hadn't planned to get any better this year. My attention had to focus on English and Media, which were critical aspects towards my future.

After a very short and awkward introduction teacher, (who's name I've already forgotten), I find a seat towards the back of the classroom like last time. This classroom is almost identical from the last. Grey walls, and a couple of posters about tips to improve our learning. The matchbox classroom begins to fill with students, my eyes flit from unfamiliar face to unfamiliar face. When I turn to my right, I find a girl with long blonde hair, already grinning at me.

"Hey, you must be new, I'm Emily Grace." Her grin widens. I don't think I've ever heard of the last name Grace. My face must contort into a confused expression, because she chuckles as she scans my face. "Grace isn't my actual last name, but everyone calls me that,"

Before I can open my mouth to ask why, she cuts me off, "It's a long story that we don't have time for." Her head slowly turns around to the front. I follow the direction of her eyes, to see my Algebra teacher pacing the front of the classroom. Soon he breaks out into a speech about how listening and paying attention is key to a successful student, but honestly it just makes me not want to listen even more.

He commands for us to write down, what he's written on the whiteboard and about five seconds pass before a loud yell ripples throughout the quiet class.


Everyone's heads snap towards the door, a couple of kids stand up only to be ushered back down. My attention peaks when I hear girlish squeaks and a loud male voice.

"Everyone just continue with copying down," As soon as the door slams shut, almost everyone quickly gets up to find out what's going on.

Emily and I are the only ones still sitting, She looks bored and un-amused, whilst I'm itching to find out what's going on. "What's happening?"

She lets out an annoyed groan, "Just some stupid fight, happens quite often."

My eyes visibly widen. Shit like this didn't happen in Boston.

"Who's it between?"

"Just some jerks, but they're best friends." she mutters crossing her arms across her chest and leaning back in the small chair.

I let out a small oh, I don't quite get why they fight if they're meant to be friends, but I guess that's male logic.

"What's it usually about?" I ask her, I hate how nosy I sound but I badly want to go have a look.

"Who knows? I've only talked to them once," she tells me with a slight smile, "Just to tell them to move out of my way."

I lightly giggle, "Then how can you say if they're jerks, if you've never had a proper conversation with them?"

"Observation," she shrugs, I'm glad she didn't get mad, but she doesn't look like the type to get mad over such an inconsequential question. The door opens as students move slowly and in a robotic fashion. The door is left wide open so I can clearly see what's going on outside. A boy with blonde hair rubs his head as he walks past, followed closely by a very tanned boy with jet black hair. My eyes almost flow back to my work, but they quickly snap up once I see another figure move past. His hair is all messy and doesn't look like it did this morning but I can clearly tell who the tall figure is...


I can breathe much easier once I'm in the warm confines of my freshly painted bedroom. I was surprised to find that the day went much better than planned and that I survived. I was even more surprised to get through the day without getting one bit of homework.

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