the path to victory

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1. Follow @ bfpnola on Tumblr! The Better Future Program (BFP) is a nonprofit headquartered in New Orleans, Louisiana, but you don't need to be a Louisianian or even a USAmerican for their content to be relevant. The blog is run by @ reaux07 on Tumblr (according to their bio, a queer Black youth, she/they pronouns), and their goal for BFP is to build a better and brighter future for young people around the world. BFP posts regularly about racial injustice, LGBT+ issues, intersectional feminism, and so much more. From what I've seen, many of her posts include image IDs, too! Plus, their pinned post has a link to over 1000 social justice, mental health, and academic resources, so go give @ bfpnola a follow!

Bonjour vous-autres! Can you believe we're getting close to the end of this fic? It's been a wild ride (and we still aren't done yet!). One of my friends pointed out to me that I started this fic in January 2020, so all of my author's notes literally chronicled the chaotic year that 2020 was... I don't know how to feel about that, lmao! I hope you're all still staying safe during this pandemic, and of course I also hope that you enjoy the chapter. :)


"We are dominating them!" Claudia said cheerfully as the game cut to halftime. She stood from the couch to head into her kitchen. "Championship, here we come!" She placed a hand over her heart, pausing in the doorway. "And how lucky are we that the big game is only two cities over?" She sighed dreamily as she stepped out the room. "Home field advantage sure tastes sweet!"

Sonya rolled her eyes. "Isn't that all a tad presumptuous of you? The game is only halfway done."

Claudia snorted as she returned to the living room with refilled bowls of chips and salsa, as well as an apple that she handed to Sonya. "Please. GSU has a good offense, I'll give them that, but their defense is just about non-existent." She placed the bowls on the coffee table before sitting back down next to Sonya. "I just don't think they can come back from 35-14 at the half. Not with how well we've been playing."

Callum chuckled before taking a sip from his water bottle. "Don't jinx it, Claudia."

Currently, he, Sonya, and Dominic were all at Claudia's house watching KSU's playoff bowl game. And by that he meant Claudia was actually watching while the rest of them glanced up every now and then to make sure KSU was still winning. Or, in the cases of himself and Dominic, they looked up whenever the offense was on the field to see how their respective partners were doing.

He'd admit it - the game had been pretty intense... for all of about ten minutes, after which it had become clear that KSU completely and utterly outclassed their opponent on both sides of the ball. He also did not want to jinx their team, of course, but if KSU suddenly started playing poorly and ended up losing the game, then... if nothing else, it would seem highly suspicious to anyone who'd seen the first half.

Claudia paused with a chip halfway in the bowl of salsa. "Touché. I would never forgive myself if I jinxed our victory." She then proceeded to eat her chip with a loud crunch, earning another amused eye roll from Sonya.

"On that note," Dominic said as he turned his phone off and placed it on his lap, "what are y'all's plans for this semester? Have anything exciting in store?"

As much as his friend's reminder made Callum die a little inside, it was true - their second semester was now only two days away. Or one, if he just counted Sunday. He was excited for his new classes, yes, but he wasn't really sold on the amount of work he was sure to get.

"God. I can tell you that for the next two weeks I am going to be consumed by thoughts of the championship. It's going to be a hell of a struggle to get my brain to focus on anything else," Claudia said, snickering. "So honestly, I haven't thought too far beyond the end of January?"

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