a roller coaster of emotions

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1. Bisexual Visibility Day was September 23rd! While there are several different definitions of bisexual, a common one is "the attraction to two or more genders". Roughly 52% of the LGBT+ community is bisexual! There are several harmful stereotypes about bisexuality, from the implication that a bi individual is more likely to cheat to the notion that bisexuality is trans-exclusionary (both of which are false and bigoted assumptions). Such stereotypes combined with pervasive discrimination and hatred towards bisexuality has resulted in bisexual individuals having poorer mental health and higher self-reported rates of suicidal ideation than gay, lesbian, and heterosexual people. Biphobia ranges ranges from the implication that bi people need to "pick a side" all the way to physical/sexual violence towards bi individuals because of their sexuality. An important subset of biphobia is bi-erasure; for example, calling a bisexual character straight when they end up in a canon romance with someone of the opposite gender or calling them gay when they end up in a canon romance with someone of the same gender. Bisexual people are bi no matter who they're dating! (Condensed from @ soyouwanttotalkabout on Instagram.)

2. Do you live in the US? Are you 18+? Are you registered to vote? If not, head on over to vote dot org and register right now! This election season, we have no choice but to "#SettleForBiden". A vote for Trump is a vote for white supremacy, fascism, and hatred. The youth vote is historically underrepresented in American elections - let's change that!

Bonjour vous-autres! I'm excited for you guys to read this chapter. There's a lot revealed and plenty of foundation laid for future chapters, so put some coffee/tea on, snuggle up in a blanket, and get cozy. I hope you enjoy!


"Hey, Ez," Callum called as he walked into the living room, checking the time on his phone, "we're going to have to leave soon if we want to get there on time. Claudia is saving us seats."

Ezran sighed in mild irritation, placing a bookmark in the novel he was reading before setting it down on the coffee table to the left of the couch. "Alright. Let me put my shoes on."

Callum laughed at his brother's disgruntled reaction. "You're the one who said you wanted to come to the game."

Ezran rolled his eyes. "I do want to come. The universe just always seems to interrupt me when I arrive at a crucial plot point in my book."

"Pfft. Alright, drama queen." Callum raised an eyebrow. "But you can bring your book with you, you know. Like you don't have to leave it behind."

"Gee, thanks. I had no idea."

Callum stuck his tongue out at him, an action his younger brother copied before disappearing into his bedroom to grab his shoes.

"Getting ready for the big game?"

Callum turned around to see that his dad had entered the room and was leaning against the doorframe that led into the kitchen as he sipped a cup of tea. "Yep. Rayla and Soren have been stressing about it nonstop."

Harrow chuckled. "Understandable. This game could very well be more important to win than the national championship. At least in the long run. Especially for Soren, being a senior and all. He's played every year against Neolandia and lost every time - no doubt winning this game is what he has focused on since the beginning of the semester."

Callum tucked his phone into his pocket, having another takeaway from his father's monologue besides just how important this game was. "So you do think they're a championship-bound team, then?" He knew Claudia did. And it was true that KSU's football was having an unprecedentedly good year.

Harrow shrugged, taking a sip of his tea. "Possibly. Time will tell." He cleared his throat. "But before you and Ezran leave, there's something I wanted to talk to you about." He turned around to head back inside the kitchen, gesturing for Callum to follow him.

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