chapter 4

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The Gryffindor boys sat around their table in the Great Hall on Monday for dinner. James was bouncing in his seat.

"Jamie, did you forget to take your pills?" Ronan asked, raising his eyebrow at his hyper friend.

"Nope," James said, continuing to bounce.

"Ohhhhh," Fred exclaimed. "Is today the day?"

James grinned at him. "Yep."

Ronan looked between the cousins. "The day..?" Fred filled him in.

"The day James teaches Allison how to play quidditch." Ronan nodded.

"And you're so excited because..?"

James turned to him. "Because quidditch is the best sport in the whole world and you can't seriously call yourself a wizard if you don't know how to play." Fred smirked.

"Allie's a witch, not a wizard, technically."

James threw a roll at him.

"You're such a fiend, James," Fred said, taking a bite of the roll.

"I know."

His friends laughed at his bluntness. James grabbed another roll to replace the one he hurled at Fred and stood up.

"Alright, I'm off. I'll see you guys later." Fred saluted him, and Ronan waved.

"Don't forget we have Astronomy tonight," Ronan called. James smiled at his friend, thankful he looked out for him.

"Got it. Bye!"


"Tempus!" James called, waving his wand. 7 o'clock appeared in the air. He had been outside the Great Hall for ten minutes waiting for Allie and she still hadn't come out.

Where could she be?

As if he had summoned her, Allie walked through the doors, coming to a stop in front of him. She wasn't in her uniform, instead donning an oversized gray crewneck with the Slytherin crest printed on the front. Her blonde curls were pulled back in a braid. She looked like a laid back version of the girl James had gotten to know. He grinned at her.

She had listened to his advice and dressed warmly.

"So James, what's your plan?" she asked, tugging at the neck of her top. James nodded down the corridor and began walking.

"Come on. We're going outside." Allie raised an eyebrow.

"James. If you tell me we're going to play quidditch I'm going to hex you." James rubbed the back of his neck.

"What if I told you I'm going to teach you how to play quidditch. No actual playing involved."

Allie shoved him lightly and he laughed.

"Just give it a chance, Allison. I really think you might like it, once you get over yourself."

She shoved him again.


"Ok. The largest ball is called the Quaffle. It's what I use, since I'm a chaser," James pointed. The pair were standing on the sidelines of the quidditch pitch. Allie was surprised to find it empty, but she guessed the Prince of Hogwarts could pull some strings.

She glanced at him as he rattled on about the different balls and their purpose in the game. Allie couldn't help the small smile that tugged at her lips. He looked so happy. His messy black hair was being blown about by the wind, curling around his ears and the nape of his neck. His cheeks were flushed with the chilly air, and his eyes sparkled with excitement.

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