chapter 7

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Allie sat down to dinner Monday night with her friends. Archie reached instantly for the feast.

"I feel like we haven't had a proper chat in ages because of the project. How are you holding up?" Allie asked. Archie mumbled something unidentifiable and Scarlett smiled.

"I'm enjoying myself, actually. Fred is," she paused, looking for the right word. "Fred is Fred." Allie rolled her eyes.

"Fred is Fred," she repeated. "He's soo funny and soo talented." Scarlett chucked a roll at Allie. Archie laughed.

"I'm with Allie. You seem really into him." Scarlett shrugged.

"Yeah, I'm still figuring it all out. He's fun to be around. What about you and Ronan?"

"Good, really good. He's a good guy, and I don't have a lot of guy friends so it was a welcome discovery. I met his girlfriend last week, Hannah Longbottom, she's adorable. I really like them together. Ronan's dads were roommates with Hannah's dad, Professor Longbottom."

Scarlett's eyes widened. "No way! I always forget that the boys' parents all knew each other when they were at school." Allie and Archie nodded in agreement. Archie looked over at the blonde.

"Your turn, Allie. How's it going with JSP?" Allie took a bite of dinner before answering.

"Good. I didn't see him at all on Sunday but he walked me to classes today and he seemed fine. Saturday was crazy, but I honestly feel even more connected with him because of it. Is that weird? And have either of you seen Rosier?" Archie let out a low whistle.

"Did I see Rosier? The kid's entire face is a bruise. James is lethal." Scarlett laughed at that.

"Overstatement. It was satisfying seeing him knocked off his high horse, though. And I don't think it's weird."

Allie nodded in agreement. "That reminds me. How's quidditch protesting going, Scar?" Scarlett slapped her hands on the table.

"Don't get me started..."


Allie smiled softly when she saw James waiting for her after Astronomy class. He was leaning against the doorframe, one leg over the other, but stood up when she got close.

"Hi, Al." She yawned in response and he laughed quietly. "Yeah, me too. Let's go."

The duo went down the stairs together, headed for Gryffindor Tower. They walked in comfortable silence for a while, both clearly tired, but then James perked up.

"Allie. I meant to ask you earlier, but I have an idea for our next adventure." She blinked up at him.

"Mhmm. What's your idea?" He grinned.

"You, me, Forbidden Forest, tomorrow night." Allie tried to blink the sleep out of her eyes.

"What? James, not funny." James looked down at her confusedly.

"What do you mean not funny? That's actually my idea." Allie sighed exasperatedly.

"James, we can't. I can't. How would we even pull it off? I assume it'd be after curfew?" James shrugged slyly.

"Yes, but we won't get caught." Allie eyed him, so he continued. "I promise. I promise I won't let us get caught and I also promise that if somehow we do end up getting caught I'll make sure whoever catches us knows that I kidnapped you against your will and I also promise if that doesn't work I'll do your Transfiguration homework for you until Christmas." Allie shoved him playfully.

"Ok, ok, I get it." She chewed her lip, thinking.

We'd be breaking at least three school rules if we were caught, but then James would have to do my Trans homework. He's excellent at Transfiguration. And I asked him to come with me to Hogsmeade, so it's his turn to take us on an adventure. I never do anything crazy like this. Fuck it.

"You're going to be the death of me. I'll do it."

James started pumping his fist in the air, but Allie caught his sleeve and turned him toward her. He smiled reassuringly.

"It's going to be fine. I'll make sure of it." She nodded and let him go. They reached the Fat Lady in no time. Allie said bye to James and began her walk back to the dungeons. The Forbidden Forest after curfew with James Potter. What is happening to me?

Despite her head displaying the things that could go wrong in flashing lights, she couldn't help but be excited. While Hogsmeade hadn't gone exactly to plan, their quidditch excursion was quite fun. Allie smiled to herself. She was kind of excited for tomorrow night.

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