chapter 13

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The game had been a blowout. Ravenclaw against Gryffindor had been one of the most anticipated games of the season, but they hadn't stood a chance. James, ever the showoff, easily played one of his best games. With the sound of his name in Allison Nicoletti's mouth, he had led his house to a victory.

The student section rushed the pitch, and James soared down to meet Ronan with Fred on his tail. Momentarily forgetting the girl that had been occupying all of his thoughts, James hopped off his broom mid-motion, slamming into his best friend's extended arms.

"James!" Ronan crowed. He opened an arm to accept Fred into their hug. "Freddie! Bloody hell you guys! You played wickedly!" Fred roared with laughter.

"Gryffindor rules!" he yelled, placing his hands on each of his friends' necks and squeezing. "We are about to have the best bloody night of our lives, boys." He squeezed them again before letting go to thank all of the fans for coming. Ronan loosened his grip on James, who turned to him with a joking smile.

"Was I really that good?"

"Of course you were, James. The best damn player on the pitch." Ronan grinned at his friend. James flashed his dimpled smile. Merlin, I love my friends.

"Ronan!" Archie Odom called, waving as he made his way over to the two boys, followed by Fred, who had his arm around Scarlett, and Allie. Butterflies rushed back into James's stomach.

Allison, who came to support him. Allison, with her straight hair. Allison, in his jersey.

He gulped, and Ronan laughed, patting him on the back.

"Easy there," he said to James. "Archie! There you guys are. Thought I lost you." Fred smiled, nosing Scarlett's cheek.

"I was looking for this one and happened to find them all."

James made his way over to Allie, who smiled up at him.

"Well done, Potter," she said with a raised eyebrow. James felt his pulse spike.

"Hey. You look good in red and gold." Allie's eyes widened instantly and she flushed a pretty red. James grinned.

"Isn't that right, Jamie?" Fred said, nodding to his cousin. James's head snapped away from Allie. What?

"Um?" he responded, and Fred groaned.

"I said there's no way we're losing to Slytherin after that game. What do you think?" James looked back down at Allie.

"No way. We're never losing again." Allie laughed and pushed gently at him.

"Ok, hot shot. Don't go getting a big head." James smiled. "Congratulations, though. You too, Fred. That was probably the best quidditch game I've seen." Scarlett's mouth dropped open in mock offense. James leaned down to Allie and pulled at his jersey she was wearing.

"Thanks to you, good luck charm." She blushed again. James grabbed a piece of her hair and tugged it gently before standing back up. Scarlett and Fred were arguing over whose quidditch matches were more entertaining while Archie and Ronan laughed at them. Who would have thought our two groups would fit so well together? James raised his broom in the air.

"Who's ready to party?"


After wrapping up with his quidditch team, James hit the showers while the rest of his house set up for the party. James loved Gryffindor Common Room parties. They were loud and exciting and the music was good and the sea of bodies made him feel safe. James loved Firewhisky and cigarettes and he liked all the attention he got after winning big games, even if he was never sure if people actually wanted to spend time with him or just his last name. Regardless, James was excited.

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