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Charlie's POV

"Congratulations Casey, I am so happy for you! I can't believe next month at this time you are going to be married" I laughed, wrapping my warm around her shoulder as we half walked, half stumbled out of the door to the club, the both of us in light happy laughter. I heard her make a squeal of excitement when she saw Mark standing there with his hands in his pockets as she broke free from my slight hold on her shoulder running over to him immediately wrapping her arms around his neck as she greeted him with an intense kiss fueled mostly by her love for him, but also by a lot a lot of alcohol. I laughed to myself watching them, feeling an empty pit form in my stomach wishing that I could have that and then chuckling to myself that I almost did have that but it was taken away from me just as quickly as it came. I was just about to start walking towards the rest of the girls when I saw them whispering to themselves, their eyes gazing over to someone or something standing directly in front of me. I looked up, my curiosity getting the best of me, and felt my heart stop beating in my chest as every limb of my body turned into solid concrete. 

"Hey Charlie" Austin said with a smirk as he bit on his bottom lip, his hands in his pockets and his head tilted to the side. He looked good, so fucking good. He wore a pair of a little tighter than normal ripped black jeans, a Cowboys jersey, a baseball cap on his head and his hair seeming to be in two simple braids dangling over his shoulders. I didn't know if in my drunken state I had conjured up a mirage of just the very man I was thinking of moments before when I watched Mark and Casey or if he was really here in front of me. I swallowed hard as I started fumbling around in my purse pulling out my pack of camels and putting one between my lips as I continued searching for my stupid lighter when I heard his low rasp coming from right in front of me.

"Here let me" he said with a smirk flicking the lighter until a flame appeared holding it up for me. I inhaled deeply blowing out a cloud of smoke as I looked up at him, still short even with my heels on. 

"Austin...what are you doing here?" I asked incredulously as I still could not bring myself to believe that he was actually here, in Dallas, standing in front of me and looking so fucking good. This had to be a trick, someone had to be playing a sick trick on me. He couldn't really be here, this wasn't possible. I had just seen a video of him out at a strip club with his buddies and now here is he standing in front of me. I felt my heart start to race as I looked over Austin's shoulder at Allen who shrugged his with a tiny laugh. 

Austin reached out and grabbed my free hand gently in his as he brought it up to his soft pink lips placing a soft kiss on the back of my hand, his eyes not leaving mine. He pulled his lips away, my hands still clutched in his as he brought it back down between us. "I came to make things right Charlie" he said quietly without a hint of a smirk on his face. 

"Austin I mean, this... how are you... you were just with your... I saw you with her... and" I started to stammer our but was stopped by his soft lips meeting mine, both of his hands gently holding the sides of my face as my eyes slowly started to flutter closed, my arms coming and wrapping around his neck as I let myself get lost in all of the emotions that slammed back into me like a truck. I deepened the kiss quickly, my tongue effortlessly sliding into his mouth as it slowly danced with his. All of the emotions, all of the memories that I had shared with him started pouring out of me as I felt warm tears start to streak down the sides of my face, running into the road block that was his thumbs as he slowly wiped them away. 

He pulled away from me slowly, his eyes staring deeply into mine as they started to fill with tears that couldn't be contained, making their way down my cheek as I let out small sobs still not being able to believe that he was here with me. "Charlie don't cry, please don't cry. I don't want to make you cry anymore" he said quietly, wiping the tears off of my cheeks. 

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