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"It's okay Charlie, everything is going to turn out okay" Jodie said as she put a comforting kiss on my head rubbing my back slowly.

"Jodie there is so much that I need to tell someone. I haven't even told my own parents the half of it. Everyone in my life only knows bits and pieces" I said pulling away from her as I wiped at my red eyes.

"You can tell me anything you want, the whole thing, part of it, whatever you want to tell me" she smiled as she took a sip of her wine.

"I feel like you already know the most of it" I laughed.

"Let's just say I'm pretty sure I know who it has to deal with" she laughed giving me an understanding look.

"Okay well where do I start?" I laughed.

"Wherever you feel comfortable" she said as she brought one leg up underneath her on the couch and leaned back into the plush ruby pillows.

"Austin and I kind of dated while I was here a year and a half ago. We both just had to know what it would be like if we were, you know with each other. It was great, he was everything I thought he would be in a relationship. I guess you can say it wasn't much different than how we were before I got here except we were together in person and we you know" I said feeling my face flush red as I let her know her stepson and I had sex, several of which were under her roof.

"I kind of figured that... all of it" she said looking at me with a knowing smile.

"Well now that that part is out of the way the rest will be a little easier to tell" I laughed, taking a sip of my wine as I got over one of the biggest hurdles.

"Don't be ashamed honey, Rich and I knew it was bound to happen. You guys have been friends your whole lives it was only a matter of time before you tried to get intimate with each other. Just tell me one thing" she laughed.

"You really want to get into detail about me and Austin's sex life" I laughed feeling more comfortable talking to her about all of this.

"Just this one question, was he a gentlemen Charlie?" she asked raising her eyebrows.

"Yes Jodie, he was absolutely a gentlemen. He always is you never have to worry about that" I laughed, recalling how a gentlemen probably wouldn't get off to another girl when he was dating someone else, but that was for later on in the story.

"Good" she said with a satisfied head nod.

"Anyway the whole weekend was amazing and then I got the stupid idea that it would be great if I told him that I loved him, and that I've loved him for years. And more than a friend love him like love him love him" I said glancing over towards her.

"Of course you do Charlie, anyone with eyes can see how much you are in love with Austin. I think even he knew before you told him. But what did he say?" she asked me excitedly.

I looked down at the pillow that I was holding firmly in my lap as I let the words fall out of my mouth as I slowly lifted up my head to look at her.

"Nothing, he said nothing" I said feeling the familiar feeling that my tears were about to escape from my eyes at any minute.

"Austin said nothing. He didn't tell you he loves you back, he didn't say thank you he just said nothing?" she asked with a skeptical tone to her voice.

"That's correct" I said looking at her sadly.

"Charlie, I'm so sorry. I know he loves you it shows in how he cares for you and how he kept in contact with you all of these years. Austin isn't the type of guy to just hook up with a girl, he has to have feelings for you to do that Charlie" she said surprising me with how well she actually knew her stepson.

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