Years later

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After I made the deal things were...certainly entertaining. Every year I'd fight Angles and then I'd be left alone just like Alestor promised. But the times I did go to the city were eventual, I met a gay spider guy named Angel Dust who so happens to be part of a mob family, I met the three V's Vox,Valentino and Velvet done a few jobs for them and finally I met this very intriguing Imp called Blitzo, he ran a an assassination company which I helped out with for extra cash every now and again. A few demons tried to kill me in the Factory...tried. I killed them and ate a few and the ones I didnt eat are warnings. I strung them up outside for all to see. Today was one of the normal days where I'm sleeping in my Factory when...*BOOM* I was awoken by explosions... someone was trying to take over some turph. During these years the area around the Factory became my turph I was an Overlord. I got and climed up the chains to the roof where I saw.

 I got and climed up the chains to the roof where I saw

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(Ignore Angel Dust)

Shadow:that little snake piece of shit. When I get my claws on him I'm gonna fucking rip his throat out!

Then a stray missile hit my Factory.

Shadow:ok now its snake for breakfast

I jump off and run toward the chaos. When I was closer the blimp fell outta the sky. When I got even closer I saw the Penchess bitch was fighting Cherry Bomb and Angel Dust.

Shadow:hey snake!

They looked at me. Angel and Cherry were happy and Penchess terrified.

Shadow:you try to take my turph...wake me up and...I'm hungry and your little eggs boys won't do

I walked closer, he tried to run but I grabbed his tail and reeled him in until I grabbed his neck.

Shadow:is it true when you bite the head off a snake and the body dies?

Penchess:wait-wait I'm sorry please-!

I bit his head off and ate the rest of him. I turned to Angel and Cherry.

Shadow:what? You've seen me eat people before?

Angel:just haven't seen ya do awhile

Cherry:yeah got a little somthing on your...

She pointed at her cheek. I picked it off and ate the bit of meat.

Shadow:so what have you bitches been up to?

Angel:I'm finally livin rent free. These two broads are letting me stay at their hotel as long as I dont get into any fights or problematic language

Shadow:sounds terrible

Cherry:well what have you been up to?

Shadow:same as always...sleep,eat and occasionally kill any trespassers

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