The killer, the clown and the shadow

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Shadow:well this sucks...

Shadow was stuck in bed thanks to him tanking six shots from a holy weapon in the chest. Not even he can heal from that, at least not quickly.

Verosika:doctor said it would take awhile

Verosika willingly and surprisingly had been looking after Shadow. She had just adjuster his pillow to let him sit up.

Shadow:yeah but I'm the fucking Shadow Demon! People are gonna start thinking I've gone soft

Verosika:they'll think your hot shit for taking six holy bullets to the chest

Shadow sat up slowly.

Shadow:I guess...I've been stuck in here for weeks! I need to check on the Greed Ring...and I've just made a deal with Ozzie, I got legal land in Lust! I've signed contracts and shit!

Verosika placed a hand on his chest.

Verosika:none of that hottie. You just focus on getting your strength back because when you're better

She leaned over him.

Verosika:I am gonna rock your fucking world

Shadow:that is one thing...I will wait for

The door was suddenly busted open and Gloria walked in carrying paper work.

Gloria:okay so Greed operations have began without a hitch, Lust is still getting ready but the product is the best they've seen so it might be up quicker than we thought

Shadow:good work. Focus on those two for now...when I'm better I'll discuss deals with Mamon

Gloria:until then

She placed the pile of paper on his bed and gave him a pen.

Gloria:you got paper work

Shadow:FUCK! This is the worst part of the job...let's see...HR? We don't have HR

Gloria:some of the little Shadows formed a Union

Shadow:oh really? Seems my departure is causing problems

Gloria:and little Hitler in our advertisement section is trying to eliminate the Accounting department

Shadow sighed.

Shadow:I shouldn't of named him little Hitler...the Mines?

Gloria:still good, we ain't running out of materials

Shadow:and the Factory?

Gloria:turrets installed, underground tunnels for the little Shadows into the city are complete, explosives and various weapons hidden and ready

Shadow:thank Satan...

Verosika:why do you need all that?

Shadow:I predict that one day I'll piss someone very powerful off and I need an army to kill an army...oh and the Angel's figure out where I live

Verosika:right...ah shit

She looked at her phone.

Verosika:I gotta go, I forgot I got a gig topside

Shadow:I'd go but...

He gestured to his chest.

Verosika:Gloria make sure he doesn't move

She gave a thumbs up.

Gloria:got it

Shadow:since when did you two get so chummy?

Hazbins Shadow Demon Rewright Where stories live. Discover now