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Blitz just shot another TV that had was running the Cherub add. Fucking ripoff angelic cunts.

Blitzo:keep em coming Mox!

He put another one down and then the ground started shaking.

Loona:guys? You feel that?

Blitzo:oh shit is that a hell shake?

Moxxie:is that possible?

Millie:alright don't panic Moxxie!

Moxxie:I'm not panicking

Loona:stop getting historical fatty!

She slapped him across the room into the window which which got smashed open and a tall old guy stepped in crushing Moxxie who was already being crushed by the debris from this fucking guy.

???:do not be afraid


Blitzo:you got that insurance thing?

Moxxie:who are you and what do you want?

Loopty:I am Loopty Goopty!

I'm gonna kill him.

Loopty:dastardly inventor of all things loopy and loopish!

Loona:could've just used the door dude doesn't need to be this hole thing

Loopty:I am eccentric and therefore must do eccentric shit!

I sniffed him.

Shadow:this tucker reeks of human did you just die?

Loopty:yes moments ago in fact that's why I am here

Loona:just saying the front door would've gotten ya here fine

Loopty:shut up dear furry. This is the man I'm going to need you to kill!

It was an old fuck on his death bed literally.

Blitzo:already looking for revenge? I can respect a man like that. Hi I'm Blitz the O is silent

Loopty:what O?

Blitzo:oh thank you now what's the tea?

Loopty:the tea?

Moxxie:guys help...

He was still stuck under rubble.

Shadow:hang on Mox

I kicked the rubble.

Shadow:almost there

I kicked it again.

Shadow:you dead yet?


I ripped him out.

Shadow:oh God abort this thing!

Then Loopty pulled out a bunch of weapons.

Loopty:I'm counting on it

Shadow:oh shit I missed the tea

Moxxie:that's kinda hot

I threw him out the window.

TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi Shadow playing black Jack against Blitzo.


We arrived at the guys house. Why the fuck am I dressed at tourist and why does Blitzo have a cat on his tale?

Blitzo:let's do it gang

We pulled out weapons and went to the window of the guys house.

Moxxie:oh boy that machine really did I number on him

Shadow:jesus christ if I looked like that I'd kill myself

The old guy was tieing a noose.

Shadow:oh sweet

We started eating popcorn waiting for the moment and then a burst of light comes from the room.


Then those three Angel Cherub fuckera came down.

Shadow:oh fuck yes!

Moxxie:uh sir?

Blitzo:just let him he's been doing it for years

I jamo through the window.

Shadow:hello you angelic holy cunts!

Baby:its the Sinner that's killed our armies!

Shadow:no shit Sherlock! And now...

Four large spikes grew out my back I pointed all of them toward the Angel's.

Shadow:I'm gonna rip you apart!

And I done so. I ripped the blue one in half then ate him. Impaled the other two and cut the old guy in half.


Shadow:because FUCK YOU!

I ate the two remaining.

Blitzo:good job S were outta here!

We went back to Hell.

Blitzo:good job gang now who wants to go chuck apples at the homeless

Shadow:can't somewhere to be someone to fuck

Blitzo:please don't tell me it's the cum dump again

Millie:you've been seeing her a lot lately~ you official?

Loona:wait your fucking Verosika Mayday?

Shadow:to answered your questions. I am fucking her have been for months and I do know I like how things are going see ya

I jamp out the window. Are we official?

(Sorry I've been away for awhile but I'm back and I'm gonna continue with Shadows story also should I do a Shadow and Verosika date chapter? And I changed Shadows look and powers for the last time I swear)

Hazbins Shadow Demon Rewright Where stories live. Discover now