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After about an hour of exploring my new home for the foreseeable future I start hearing screams.

Shadow:what could that be?

I begin to climb chains hanging from the ceiling, there was an open window I could see the city out of and what I saw didnt look to fun for the residents.

Shadow:this must be that extermination God mentioned

The screaming got worse.

Shadow:curiosity is gonna kill me

I jumped out the window and headed toward the city. Once I got closer I saw what looked like...Angel's? They were killing people or...demons left and right. One of them noticed me.

Shadow:dont want trouble just got curious

Its smile grew and it walked towards me.

Shadow:alright guess we're doing this

It rushed me and stabbed me in the stomach but I didnt feel anything.

Shadow:your dead now

I held my hand up and a black...spike impaled it. Then more showed up, about ten more to be precise.

Shadow:alright...     you want me come and get me!

TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi Shadow killing Angel's.


A hole day...of fighting Angel's. I hate this place with a passion. I heard a loud bell ring and fireworks getting shot into the sky. Demons started coming out of their homes,some even cleaning up the corpses, a few stopped and stared at me...a giant black leather man covered in blood with Angel corpses scattered around him. Most of them looked at me in fear. I've had enough for to day. I begin to walk back to my factory, I passed a weird man in red with a cane who had a bigger smile on his face than the Angles. I passed more of them as I got closer to the factory. A few including that red man followed me. I turned around fast and roard.

All but the red man ran.

Red man:good day to you sir!

I roard again in his face.

Red man:are you quite finished?

Shadow:what do you want red man?

Alestor:the name is Alestor Radio Demon of Hell! And I am quite Interested in your performance!

Shadow: performance?

Alestor:yes! You one Sinner vs an army of Angles it was thrilling! So I would propose a deal

Shadow:what type of deal?

Alestor:I want entertainment and you?

Shadow:to be left alone

Alestor:and I can do that for you! Since your new found fame,your fans will come running at the sight of you. I can make it that no one bothers you...as long as I am entertained...do we have a deal?

He extended his hand and it glowed green.

Shadow:fine... names Shadow

Hazbins Shadow Demon Rewright Where stories live. Discover now