You passed!

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Once they reached to the top, they only found around 5 kids which had been alive.

"Out of the 30 or so...." Makomo gazed around while Giyuu began to find if there where any other ones that had appeared in her dream.

But her attention was quickly grabbed by the footsteps of the same young woman with white hair that had been at the beggining of the selection.

"Welcome back and congratulations, being alive is better than anything."

The girl began to name all of the ranks in position, something which Giyuu had known.

"You all belong to the lowest rank. Mizunoto."

Once again.
This time, at least it didn't feel as though it had been a cheat or a false title.

"And what about our swords, I want one of the most flamboyant ones you have at your disposal."

A boy of a higher height from everyone else asked, he was adorned in some jewels on his head as his platinum hair was let loose wearing what would look like a shinobi outfit. Behind him where three other with kunoichi outfits.

Giyuu blinked at the sight, how was it that she didn't notice them before. Did they enter before them?

A small groan came from behind them, Giyuu looked back to see another boy with a blade attached on his back, and a jade piece collar on his neck. He looked quite angry, and very very young.

"Hey what the heck was that groan about?" The ninja kid said as he looked at the other.

"You are being way to fucking loud so just shut up and wait like the rest of us."

This isn't  going to end well.

"L-let's not fight now, I'm sure we are all tired from the selection." Another boy appeared, the last of the surviving members. Someone that Giyu hadn't  even noticed was behind them.

Unlike everyone else, he looked quite normal, there nothing stricking about his appearance apart from having two scars in his left cheek.

Yet his words where resonable enough for the two kids to not go out into an all out brawl.

"Hey, Giyuu-Chan, I don't see that kid we saved...."

"He must have died while we were fighting the hand demon."

"Mmhm..that's... sad..."

We just prolonged their deaths... Sabito would have been able to--

No, she promised to not think about it. It was the last thing the Tanjiro from before the final battle had tasked him to do.


"Today you will choose what ore your blade will be made of. Then you will wait for 10 to 15 days so that it can be completed." She said, putting out the cloth that hid away the same looking stones of metal, she could see the sight of all the survivors' expectations drop in a matter of seconds.

"And from now on your Kasugaigarasu will follow you everywhere you all go."

With that, some raven like birds flew down to them.

Giyuu looked in disbelief as she saw her one and only partner that had been with him for so long, the same crow that always made him worry even in the middle of a fight.

She missed him so much. She might just tear up now.

"Kanzaburo." the old and tired crow landed on her head and began to sleep just like in their first meeting. She touched her head again to pat the bird, her eyes almost filling up with tears.
He's so fluffy...

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