New mission

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Northeast to a small village where the clouds had darkened, letting just enough light shine through the small holes so that the road was visible in the winter.

This was the worst climate for humans, but a pleasant wish for the demons.

A season where the wisteria don't grow, a place where most humans are slower in their climate, a place where the sun doesn't shine.

"Kaw kaw, 10 kids where killed, and 5 are unknown kaw kaw." the tought of this many corpses being piled up, some around her age, made her muscles tense.

"Kaw! kaw! Your partners are heading upwards the stream to a village nearby!"

She wondered as to who who the other demon slayers were.

Should I become friends with them? Will they be from the final selection ? Or will it be others?

Just a a little more time after walking down the road and she was finally at a bigger village than expected.

Her first tought was to look around for possible clues, there was a forest nearby, and the houses that where more barricated where those closest to the said forest.

Giyuu went to look around the walls of the houses, not a single hint of a demon lurking around.
Her next stop was to find some gossip, 15 kids missing were bound to be the entire talk nowadays.

"Excuse me." She bowed to the two elderly women which were disscussing their daily lives.

"Oh why hello dear, do you need something?" One of them said as the other looked at her with curiosity.

"If its not much of a problem, have there been some gossips around children being kidnapped lately?"

Both ladies were startled by the question. The one who stared at her was now whispering something to the other.

"Dear, there isn't a need to worry about that, just be careful not to walk at night."

And with that the two woman hurried to another direction.

Another couple passed by, she asked the same question and this time they both gave confused looks.
"I don't remeber any of the children being kidnapped today?"

She went farther to the center of the town.
Once again by another elder she was given some precautions to not go out at night.

Hearing the same responses over and over again, she went ahead to ask the kids instead.

"Did you seriously believe all of those horror stories? Hahaha." one kid smirked.
"She even brought a fake sword." another mocked.

The conclusions, nothing useful. Most of the adults were confused by her words, the elders only wanted for her to look out, and when she asked why they only said the same thing that she knew. "Because kids have to sleep early".
And the kids...well they only gave mocking replies, even those who seemed shy had weirded out looks.

This is going nowhere...

The sun was beginning to set and the first stars were getting ready to welcome the moon.

An odd feeling in the air was getting disperse, making all of the last people who were outside come go back inside to their houses. The women had begun to put out some kind of essence in the front doors, the men dragged the children inside and the elderly prayed.

"Where are your parents kid?" An man in his 30s asked Giyuu.

"I...--" "tch either way, come inside until your parents ask to find you."

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