
2K 75 82

Omg 1k, I can die at ease.

Anddddd I'm baaack! literally the next day after my exams like bruh. Imma kill the person that made exams on the last day of school a thing.

-Anyways, while I was procrastinating, I have tried to plan out the entire story, and honestly, it's convoluted(because the new fanbook just appeared and wtf there is lore--) . So it will take a long time for the story to reach its end BUT don't worry, shipping is everything here so the dating will start once the four have developed feelings. Which is somewhat soon.

-Another thing is that I couldn't decide on who to give the main ship ;-; and I hate love triangles, like so much, (like Hollywood hating on giving oscars to others except Disney much)

They can be good trust me, I just can't find them without seeing the characters just miscommunicating or drama playing out for 400 chapters that I don't have the time for, instead I would like for the love to develop. :"v

-So.... yeah.

-It's all 3 babies: Kyojuro, Sanemi and Sabito.

But don't worry there will also be SabiSane(who people ship and is so scarce like my will at school.) And SaneKyo(another ship oh so scarce but not as much as the other, probably.) Because.... poly.

-Writing poly relationships while never being in one ;-;, I'll try my best in making it as realistic as possible, though relationships can differ for every kind, mono or poly, so I don't expect it to be the best representation.

-Now onto the story because I talked too much. Enjoy my new writing I have practiced while on hiatus.

-ps, There are some memes at the end I've made. And one I found.


Giyuu leaped forward, twisting her position to face the demon while having her back against the girls. She frowned upon noticing the unsightly appearance of the enemy, her hands gripped the hilt of her sword as the demon showed its face with the light of the lanterns that had stopped flickering

"Mhmh" The demon muffled her laughter," ~fufufufu~~~" until a small grin spread across her face.

In one slice, Uzui cut the ropes of her two wives. "Go outside when I tell you to." His brows were furrowed, the once curved lips now on a straight line falling down at it's ends.

It was a first for Giyuu to see the fucsia eyes like that. In her dream he was always beaming with an aloof sense of humor and happiness around him, he was, in his own words, flamboyant.

Now he was a different person altogether in just a matter of seconds. Attentive, sharp, serious.

No wonder he was a hashira.


Chills ran down her spine as she dodged the demon's hand.

"My, my, did I scare you little girl? Fufufu.

Giyuu ignored her talking, thinking it was trying to disrupt her focus.

"Tomioka," Uzui pulled his blade out. "Will you be able to cut her neck?" Giyuu glanced behind her without turning her head.

"My attacks are focused more on movement than speed."

Giyuu had finally seen another breath user that wasn't water for the first time in the real world. The dream portrayed the thunder breathing just as fast as the real thing.

But he was slower than that boy.

She glanced back at the demon.

A woman of a size taller than both of them, she had long black hair that reached to the ground, with two big bulgy red eyes that were on polar opposite sides of the face, as though they had been pushed there. Skin was just as pale as the white haori she wore, that made her look as though she had just woken up from a distressed call.

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