The afternoon it happend

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Travis POV

It was a hour after Sal left and I decided to call him.


"Hey Travis what's up?"

"Oh um, heh I guess I didn't think this through well I was um...I was wondering if you w-wanted to maybe I-I don't know go to the park in like a hour or so.."

"Of course beats being stuck in my house meet you there."

"ok see you then."

he hung up and I couldn't stop smiling like a idiot. Wait why did I even invite him....I have no idea what we're gonna do I didn't make plans. Damn it Travis.

I feel so foolish. I want him but I don't? I'm so confused it's like at one moment I yearn for him but then I remember that I'm a boy and so is he. A boy shouldn't feel this way about another boy but I couldn't get him out of my head.

It's like he's a fly that's always there and just buzzing in my ear. I'm not sure what to do. Do I risk the internal pain from my father just to be with a boy, or do I risk the internal feeling of sadness and guilt for not asking out sal.

There's only one way to find out.

-30 minutes later-

I headed to the park and waited for sal.

Today was the day I stop pushing sal away and face my feelings. This is gonna be hard but it's ok. I'll finally be set free from these racing thoughts.

I look off in the distance and see sal running towards me and waving.



He came to a slow and sat next to me on the bench.

"Hey! Thanks for getting me out of my house. My dad had to work again so I was so bored."

"Y-yeah anytime time"

It was a awkward silence

"Hey there's something I need to tell you.."

"Of course! What's on your mind travy"

Here goes nothing except my pride.

"I um...I like you a lot and I know I've done some messed up shit but truth is I never hated you and your friends I was just so scared of what my father would think if I ever was attracted to a male and when I realized I liked you I got scared and started being more aggressive and I'm sorry. Also that note you found I wrote that for you..."

I look over at sal and I could see a shocked expression through his beautiful blue eyes.

"Travis is this all true? Your not playing with me right."

"I promise you I'm not joking this time."

"No no you are aren't you?...Why would you just change your feelings all the sudden?"

"Will this make you believe me?"

I slowly started taking off sal's prosthetic and when I unclipped it I looked at his beautiful scarred face.

I kissed him lightly on his lips and he didn't pull back. I could feel him relax.

After the kiss he looked confused but also like this was meant to be.

"I like you a lot to Travis.."

He leaned in and hugged me and we hugged for what seemed like forever.

-1 hour later-

After a hour of talking and clearing things up I decided I should head home soon.

"Before I go sal, I need to know what we are now."

"I think I would like it if we were more then friends."

I smiled.


I kissed him again and waved goodbye.

-At Travis house-

I walked up the gravel driveway smiling like a dumb fool.

I did it. I have the person I love the most.

I entered my house expected to hear the sweet voice of my mom greeting me but that wasn't the case.

"Oh look the little FAGGOT is here."

"What are you talking about?"

He gave me his phone and I looked at the image on the screen. It was me and sal kissing at the park.

"How did-"

"You weren't home when I arrived so I went to go find you and I see your little gay ass kissing some bitch boy. I thought I raised you better you dumb fuck."

I stayed silent.

"I also found this discrimination of a cross laying on your bed side table. Let me guess some gay gift from your faggot boyfriend?!"

That made my blood boil and made me snap.


I felt a hard slap on my cheek. I held back tears.

"You fucking disgust me."

He threw my cross on the couch and started beating me. He picked me up by my collar and threw me against the wall. He then walked over to me and kicked me hard in my gut.

"Stop please I beg you."

He kept kicking me in my sides but all the sudden he stopped and crouched down to my level.

"I fucking hate you, you disgusting gay faggot."

He spit his Venomous words like they were normal things you say to your child.

I got up slowly and painfully and grabbed my cross. I headed upstairs and sat in my bed crying before falling asleep.

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