1. "assistant"

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(A/n: Noticed a lot of grammar mistakes. so I'm currently going to start editing it, please bare with it if you saw those mistakes.)

Taehyung's POV

I got a call from Kim namjoon saying that I was accepted to be jeon Jungkook's assistant.

I'm now on my way to my favorite smoothie shop, as I was gonna order I saw a cute boy around 17, who was being fed by a women,

I smiled 'i like littles' I used to work as a babysitter for one of my neighbors until i got accepted to the agency and quitted it. since being an assistant was a full time job.

"Here you go sir," the waiter handed me my strawberry cake and smoothie, I thanked her and went out.

I saw the time was 7:06, I was expected to be there at 7:30 so I started heading to the agency while sipping my drink

I arrived at the agency which was pretty big, I got in and some lady escorted me to an office.

"You're here on time, I'm Kim namjoon," the guy said standing up from his seat.

"Kim Taehyung sir," i bowed.

"Please sit down, we have a bit to discuss," I nodded and sat on the seat in front of him,

"Here is your contract," he putted a paper in front of me, "sign here and your done," I nodded and was about to sign until he stopped me,

"Are you familiar with littles?" He asked which surprised me a bit,

"Yes," he nodded,

"Don't ever tell or speak anything to other people what you experience or see in the agency, is that clear?" I nodded quickly,

"Also jeon Jungkook being a little," I widened my eyes,

"A little??" He nodded,

"He is a little, but only few knows and he is in need of a caretaker," he looked at me, "you're only an assistant at the moment, if he chooses you to be his caregiver then we'll have another contract ready for you," I frowned,

"How come he still doesn't have a caretaker?" He smirked,

"Jeon Jungkook is no ordinary person, but why would I spoil the fun by telling you, its your job to find out." He stood up, "we're done, sign the paper, we'll have a copy of the contract transfer to you through your email," I nodded signing the papers and got up.

"You may start today, here's his apartment key, It's around the corner," I took the key and put it in my pocket,

"Thank you for your time Mr. Kim, I'll be heading out now," he nodded as I went out and headed to Mr. Jeon's house.

I unlocked the door and knocked on it so I won't startle him, as I entered I was welcomed by bright colors, and a very comforting atmosphere, 'wow, I bet this guy is nice,

"Who are you?" A guy with brown hair asked me raising his eyebrow,

"Oh  sorry, I'm Kim taehyung, Mr.  Jeon's --"

"Assistant!" He squealed, "please make yourself at home, I'm Jung hoseok, you can call me hobi or j-hope!" I smiled nodding, he really has the most brightest smile,

"You can call me Taehyung,"

"Okay Taehyung, why don't we meet the others?" I frowned, 'there's more people?'

My brother and his boyfriend are in the living room," he led me to them,

"hyung!" The black haired guy looked up tired, but soon his expression changed,

"Who is this?"

"He is Jungkook's assistant, from today forwards," j-hope explained,

"Hmm, I'll just wait till that arrogant kid fires him," I got confused,

"until then, make use of your stay here, I'm min yoongi by the way, you can call me yoongi or whatever and this right here is my boyfriend, park jimin, he is a little, but I guess you figured it out by now," I nodded

I noticed this jimin guy was playing with some blocks on a mat,

"Papa! Minnie Hungry!" I smiled, 'I guess he is his caregiver,'

"Okay minnie, but first meet Taehyung," jimin looked at me  smiling Brightly,

"I'm minnie!" He said and reached for his caretaker who picked him up and went to the kitchen, I turned to hoseok,

"Where's Jungkook?" He sighed,

"He is in his room, you'll meet him when he comes out," I frowned but quickly covered it with a smile,

"Okay thanks hyung," he nodded,

"If you need anything, I'll be more than happy to help," he gave me his sunshine smile again and left.

I didn't know what to do and have no idea what an assistant does, except do everything what your boss tells you to do, I sighed and sat on the kitchen counter while eating the cake I bought before I came here, until a voice snapped the living hell out of me!

"Who the hell are you?!" I turned around and came face to face to a raven haired boy,

"I'm your assistant." I said figuring it was the Jungkook guy. He rolled his eyes,

"Get up!" I quickly got up fearing I would be fired if I didn't obey,

"Who the fuck gave you permission to sit on my damn counter!?" I was mistaken, this guy is scary as hell!

"Hoseok~" I replied,

"Well let me tell you this, I'm your boss! so if I get your annoying a$$ being comfortable around my house, you're fired you get that!!" I nodded,

"Now make me rice cakes!" I obeyed and started making him his food.

'what did I just get my self into??'

I wrote this on Taehyung's birthday but forgot to update it, my bad but happy baby bear's birthday to this precious tiger!💜💟💝


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