2. "get out!"

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Taehyung's POV

I saw Jungkook going to the living room, I sighed in  relief.

After I was done making him rice cakes, I headed to the living room holding a plate.

Jungkook's POV

I watched as jimin and yoongie playing with bricks, 'god jimin tend to be in his little space for hours, if he is with yoongie!' I scoffed and continued scrolling down my phone,

Until I saw my assistant which namjoon hyung told me his name was Kim Taehyung, coming towards me with a plate.

My anger boiled, for some reason I want to scream and yell at him just by looking at his face, but stopped when I noticed he wasn't holding a banana milkshake,

I got frustrated, I haven't had one in a month, I always use to have one but hiddenly in my room. And I kept craving for it now and then, but I restricted myself from drinking it, because its my weakness to turn to 'little space'

Taehyung's POV

I saw Jungkook stressing out and closing his eyes, I shook my head and put the plate beside him, I was about to turn around until I heard him.

"K-kookie, want taetae to-to give him milkshake-" he said pouting, and that's when my heart melted, 'he is so cute!'

"Hmm? what kinda milkshake do koo want?"

"Nana!" He exclaimed excitedly (banana)

"Taetae will bring you Nana in a second okay? Why don't you play with your hyungs while waiting for me hmm?" His eyes lightened up when he saw the blocks and quickly ran to them, I smiled and went to the kitchen.

'Why don't I be a maid instead?! All I did since I arrived here was hang around the kitchen!' I rolled my eyes.

After few minutes I finished making him his drink and headed to the living room,

I saw Jungkook playing with kid blocks alongside with yoongi and Minnie,

"Here you go," I smiled at him while handing him his drink, gaining a pout instead. 'Shouldn't he be happy?'

I shook the taught of my head and decided to join them.

"Hey Taehyung I'm going to the agency for some work, please keep an eye on both of them," yoongi hyung said standing up,

"Sure!" I nodded, then he left.

I saw Jungkook bored and sulky, I tapped his shoulder,

"Hey-jungkookie, what's wrong?" He glared at me.

"Come on lets play hmm?" He shook his head,

"No!" I blinked surprised, "kookie downt want to play with taetae!"

"Why not?" He pouted,

"Taetae no call kookie, kookie.....! Taetae call kookie, Jungkook! Taetae hates kookie-!" I was taken back by his sudden outburst.

"no no, taetae don't hate--" he cut me off,

"Taetae hates kookie, ca-cause, taetae don't call kookie, kookie!" I saw tears brimming in his eyes,

"Taetae sorry kookie, I promise to call you kookie from now on, okay kookie?" I squished his cheek which brought smile to his face.

"Taetae downt hate kookie?" I shook my head,

"Taetae will never hate kookie!" He chirped while continued playing with Minnie.

We played for a while and Jungkook still hasn't gotten out of 'little space'

"Mmm, kookoo sweepy!" He tugged on my shirt while rubbing his eyes,

"let's get you to sleep koo," he nodded and I picked him up,

I went to his room to only be engulfed by white and creamy colors, except the mat and his wardrobe which were black, I instantly liked his room!

"W-will taetae cuddle with kookie?" Jungkook said snapping me out of my taughts,

"I'll stay with you till you sleep koo," there is no way he would like it when he gets out of little space! He might even fire me!

"B-but kookie wants cuddles!" He whined,

I tugged him in his bed and walked where his plushies were.

"Which one is your favorite kookie?" He looked over to my shoulders and pointed to the Bunny one excitedly.

I picked it up and tugged it beside him, he instantly Hugs it closing his eyes,

"Good night taetae," I smiled,

"Good night kookie," I left his room and headed to the living room where Minnie was.

I saw him still playing with his bricks, 'when does he get out of 'little space??' I sighed and sat beside him.

As soon as I did, his eyes changed and smiled at me, putting down his blocks,

"We didn't meet properly huh?" He chuckled,

"You take a lot of time to get out of little space," he nodded,

"Yoongi is the only one who knows how to get me out and also get me in..." I nodded

"You're Jungkook's assistant right?" I  sighed,


"You have a bad luck...he fired every assistant of his on their second day, maximum 3 days, then your out!" He shook his head,

"He is pretty disrespectful," Taehyung said making jimin scoff.

"He'll make you regret ever coming here, we will wait till then," he chuckled,

"Did all of his past assistant knew he was a little?" He shook his head,

"You're the only one, I think its because you have an experience with 'Littles' none of his past assistants dealt with Little's not even visited his apartment," I widened my eyes in surprise,

"Ah! I hope I don't mess up," jimin patted my back.

"Don't worry just do everything what he says correctly and obey him," I sighed, "now come on, let's watch a movie!" I nodded.

We were sitting on the couch facing the tv while we chatted and talked about anything that comes to our mind, we got pretty close and were enjoying the time--


"What the fuck are you doing?!" His voice made us both freeze,

"Who the hell gave you permission to sit and watch TV!?" I quickly got up and faced him, 'I wish I could punch him in the face!'

"he's my friend Jungkook, let him be," jimin rolled his eyes.

"Get out!" He shouted startling both of us,

"I Said GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE!!" I picked my bag which held my cake in and sprinted out of the house.

------------ 💜💜
I'll try to finish this book fast!!

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