10. Taetae's kookie's

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(Listen to the song 🎶) title- if you love her

Jungkook's POV

I wanted to finish the shooting quick so I can change to little space, I have never felt this much affection before, I started feeling happy whenever I turn to little space, cause I know Taehyung will be there beside me,

I feared he would like only my 'little' self but what he said this morning made me feel euphoric, now I won't have trouble of jelousy seeing he treats my big side as the same as my little side.

I walked to Taehyung who was half asleep and felt myself slip to 'little space'

3rd person's POV

"Daddy!" Jungkook huffed shaking him,

"Kookie want cuddles!" He said stomping on his feet, but Taehyung only groaned in response, then an idea popped in jungkook's head ,

He mischievously grinned wide and leaned to Taehyung

He kissed his lips making the older shot up in shock, but calmed down after he saw jungkook who was grinning wide,

Taehyung playfully pulled him on his lap and start tickling him,

"D-daddy-stop it!" Taehyung tickled him more making the younger's eye water.

"Did you just call daddy stupid?" Kookie widened his eyes,

"No-no! Kookie newer said that!" Taehyung kissed his nose, stopping his torture on an almost gasping Kookie,

"I know you didn't baby, my Kookie is good boy,"

"Yews!" Kookie said proudly lifting his chin up making Taehyung chuckle,

"Baby, wanna go to the zoo?" Kookie's eyes sparkled in excitement

"Really daddy!?" Taehyung nodded unable to control his smile at the younger's cuteness,

"Then after seeing mr peacock and mr monkey, we will come back okay?"
Kookie pouted,

"Why Kookie haws to come back!" Taehyung gave him a warning look,

"Baby, don't shout," Kookie looked down,

"B-but kookoo want to spend more time with mr monkey!"

"Baby!" Taehyung picked his chin up to face him,

"You will startle the staffs baby, so don't shout okay?" Taehyung ruffled his hair making the younger smile at his warmth towards him,

"Okay daddy, let's go to the zoo, Kookie want to see mr. monkey!" Kookie clapped his hands excited, forgetting what the elder said a minute ago,

"Baby, didn't I just say no shouting?" Taehyung asked in a deeper tone

"We won't be going to the zoo, it's straight to the apartment," taehyung said sternly, Kookie widened his eyes,

"No daddy, pwease! Kookie just excited..." he said pouting while sticking his lower lip out, Taehyung ignored him, Kookie sulked more,

"Kookie sorry daddy, Kookie no more shout, Kookie vely sorry for not listening to daddy," Kookie said hugging Taehyung tight, Taehyung hugged him back smiling

"That's my boy, now lets go hmm?" Kookie let go of the hug and looked down,

"No mr. monkey for Kookie then," Kookie nodded trying not to cry,

"baby??" Taehyung frowned making him look up, "my cute baby, no, we're going to the zoo okay? We're going to play with mr. monkey as much as you want!" Kookie blinked back his tears and smiled his bunny smile and nodded aggressively making the older coo at him,

Taehyung's POV

I was looking at my baby who was having his fun time playing with a baby monkey, who seem to enjoy playing with the younger.

I checked the time, it's been an hour since we got here, and jungkook's next shoot is in few hours,

I got up from my sit and walked to kook

"Baby, can Taetae join?" Kookie just hummed ignoring me,

I sighed and went to one of the calmer baby monkeys apart from jungkook's,

I chuckled when the baby monkey jumped in excitement and held out his hand for a handshake,

"I bet you want to play, little monkey," I said and picked the baby monkey, putting him where some shells and random stuffs were, which excited him,

I started playing fetch with the monkey entertaining myself, until I felt a pair of arms circling my waist, I look up to see my baby pouting,

"What's wrong koo?"

"Taetae left Kookie!" He said avoiding eye contact,

"No baby, I didn't leave you, I was right here," I chuckled pecking his cheek,

"But Taetae didn't play with Kookie, daddy meanie!" I pulled him in front of me and sat him on my lap,

"No baby, you ignored daddy, when daddy tried to play with you," he was still sulking at me,

"Daddy iws meanie!" He said crossing his arms,

"Daddy sorry baby, wanna play together now?" As soon as I said that a big smile made its way to his face and nodded excitedly,

"See! Daddy only Kookie's, uwgly mowkey!" He said sticking his tongue at the baby monkey, which by now I putted in his cage,

Kookie looked at me grinning, I couldn't stop being mesmerized by his giggles and bumby eyes, I circled his legs around my waist picking him up,

I brought him to his monkey, but Kookie won't let go and play,

"Baby don't you want to play?" Kookie shook his head

"Kookie downt want to let go daddy," he said hugging me tighter, and that's when i noticed the time making me widen my eyes,

"Baby, it's time to go now, I promise you'll get cuddles when we get home,"
I said patting his back to get a response,

"Fwine!" He let go of me pouting and now was on my side holding my hand. >\\\<

3rd person's POV

Jungkook's shoot took longer than expected, making jungkook feel exhausted, but soon all worries left him when he saw Taehyung and felt him self turn to 'little space'

They arrived at the apartment, with Kookie jumping up and down,

"Taetae wait!" He said sprinting to his room, then came back to see a baffled Taehyung,

"Look daddy! Kookie made twhis for daddy!" He said happily showing him two bracelets engraved with bold cute layers that said 'Kookie's taetae's'

Taehyung couldn't contain his smile,

"It's so beautiful koo!" He said and took out his hand so his baby could put on the silver bracelet that says 'Kookie's, Taehyung hugged him and whispered, "I love you baby," which made the younger grin so cutely,

"I wove you too daddy!" The older squished his cheek adoringly and took out the younger's wrist to put on the other bracelet that said 'taetaes'

"D-do you like it daddy?" Kookie asked shyly,

"Very much baby! I love it," he said and picked him up, bombarding him with kisses all over his face erupting cute giggles from the younger,

"Oh, I forgot baby, we need to make rules,"


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