Chapter Dous

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Its been A couple mouths after the speech has been done,Y/N Unlocked crap ton of stuff,Everyone love Y/N because he was such a nice guy and help out a lot in the country,Crime was almost none existed,Life in the GDR is a good as the West,The GDR economy was pitless,the GDR A army of 2,000,000 and strong and it keeps going.
The Navy has about 50 to 400 ships and the coast guard has over 1,000 boats
The lufflawulfa has ove 700,000 Pilots
And has alot of planes like B52s to Su-24s and way to many helicopters like MI-24Ps to Apaches.

But some were about 100 miles of the coast there was a Strike group of GDR ships heading towards a SoS call.
The strike group consisted of 3 Carriers,5 destroyers,3 subs, 7 battle ships and a supply convoy of 5 ship one was VM-65(USS-65) and the Other is VM Fatherland
Which one was named VM Y/N the ship was a Nuclear carrier,and carried 60 aircraft,30 heli and 1 TU-Bear

Anyways back to the story

Princess Alise PoV

I told my magic user to make a SoS sign because my Fleet is being destroyed by kraken. *Bomb* a heavy ship bites the dust then a Crewmate of my ship yells at me and asks"Princess are reinforcements coming!?!?" Then I replay:I HAVE FAITH! THEY MUST COME" Then the Kraken see me and was about to slay my ship with one of its tentacles un till A *WsssssssssssSSSSSS BOMB* hits the Kraken tentacle and it screams in pain then not short after to metal birds made a *BRRRRRRRRTTTT* sound and pulled of then in the horizon huge metal ships appear and the Lead ship with metal looking rods and a man on top of one yelling"This is DDR Waters state your business"
(Princess looks like this btw)

 *Bomb* a heavy ship bites the dust then a Crewmate of my ship yells at me and asks"Princess are reinforcements coming!?!?" Then I replay:I HAVE FAITH! THEY MUST COME" Then the Kraken see me and was about to slay my ship with one of its tentacles ...

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Back to 3 PoV
The Princess enthusiastic about the situation responded with"Im am the Princess of the 3 Ilse and this is my navy,may you take me to your leader?"

Then what I assume to be the captain started speaking in a different language which I find exciting to learn about it and were these people come from.

Then he answers"Yes mien lady but first lets get your sailors that went overboard in the rubble is that good?"
Then she realised there were alot of sailors drowning and she replayed with a ok then Small boats came out of the big ones and started rescuing the sailors.
(Time skip by Y/N Vibing to Monika march song)
The Princess and her Captain of her ship got escorted by two German marines they found them interesting and the captain ask"How many slaves did it take to build this" which one of the germans responded with"Sir we dont use slaves there out lawed and we only allie with non slave country's"
This shook the Capt and The Princess"No slaves then how do you get things done" Which the second guy responds with"Hard working people that get top dollar all thx to a glories leader Y/N he made the Country have A Unlimited budget and made are city's Beautiful and very light,heres a picture of our capital"He says pressing a remote controller and this shook her and the captain.
Then the PA system announces their getting closer to coast line.The she says to her self "We must allie our self to these people their power is unstoppable but we have to stop the slave trade but it'll be worth it.
(Time skip to Stalsund)
The President (You my friend)of The GDR is waiting on the Princess of the 3 isle to talk about their countries relations when she got there she was amazed of how civilized this Stalsund was then she went into the building she notice grey guards standing at the door with a sword in there carrier and a weird looking Black tube as she enters the room she notice her flag and their flag hanging side by side

(This pic aint mine)

Then she saw a boy about her age sitting in a chair and he gestures to her to sit on the chair in the opposite side and she does and this is being broadcasted around the country.
The talks went well Alise really like Y/N and wanted to merry him because of how charming he is, but here a question he ask that changed the mood "Those your kingdom use slaves"
"Ye-yes but thats why I wanted to make a Alliance with you because we want to get rid of that (bad mark(lies)) and we want to do the exact same economic things you do."
"Very well then you get home by tonight and Ill talk about this to your farther."
She agrees then they both go into a Ka-50 shark escorted by 1 Yak-38 t and a Harrier To the isle.

Royal thrown of the 3 isle

WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE VANISHED!? The king yelled at the messenger
"Sir Aperenlty she was rescue not vanished."the messenger said
"Rescued by wh-"he was interrupted by the sound of heli blades and Jet engine's as the ascend Royal guards men are ready to engage the two grey men with Black tobes untile the Princess came out and Shouted:Father We have a New allie!
(Time skip to the throne room)

"Hello child my name is Karther the king of the 3 isle,whats your name boy?"
"Hello mien lord My name is Y/N L/N leader Of the Republic Democratic of Germany or GDR."
"Very strange name boy say how come Ive never heard of your Kingdom"
"Its because we formed a couple months ago and second were Republic Democrat not a Monarchy"
"Interesting and say what ate those Wayrens?"
"Oh by good sir does arent Wayrens does 2 with wing ate called 'Jets' and does can break the sound barrier and that one is a attack helicopter its called A 'Ka-50 shark'"
The Princess then gives the king a picture of their capital he was shocked how colourful it was.
"How many slaves it took to make that!?"he asked Y/N
"None we dont use slaves that why Im here to talk about making and Allies and letting your kingdom use my pitless economy and have military bases in on your islands in return of you abolishing slaves"
"Father if I were you his ship are made out of metal and carrie 'Jets' and are bigger than the castles and use Metal and imagine never to go in dept."
"Deal what shall we call this Alliance?"
"The Berlin packed" he says accepting Karthers hand.
"Messangers Go around the kingdom saying that we have abolish slavery and we have a bottomless pit of economy thanks to are new allie the GDR"
"Yes me lord"the messagers say
Then Y/N holds a Black backs and he says into it"Move 15 armour divisions into the Island they might need max protection and also tell Stasi to Start sweeping around for any rebels.
And also for our friendship im organizing a hell march at my Capital tommorow lets say at 12:00 a helicopter will come and get you ok?

Queen of Elvs PoV

My people were Inslaved by a general that bet my people in a battle.He was a very cruel man,but I smell a wind of change because I hear cheering in the distance then all the evls stop working because Big Gray and Desert color wagons with big rods stop at front of the plantations then next thing we know men in Gre start running out into the Fields breaking our chains,all I heard was laughter and happiness and then A man in a grey uniform came up and freed me
"Thank you"with tears in my eyes
"Your welcome now your free were taking these land and making a Fairfield"
"Who are you l
"Were the GDR of Germany"
"Take me to your leader"
I decided to join one of my elites division on liberating a Plantation after we got there we notice the Animal hybrids were being beaten so I told my boys to kill anyone that resist arrest anyone beating them and letting the hybrid human-animals free.As I was walking around seeing us being glorified for freeing them I notice a girl hybrid she looked beaten and was some were around my age,she was a cat hybrid.
"What's wrong?"I say in a worried voice
"You saved us form death...thank you"
"No problem anytime... Say were your parents?"
"There dead"
"Im sorry to hear that you got anywhere to go?"
"Im the leader of the GDR of Germany 3 Isle new allie that forced them to abolish slavery"
"You really did that but why?"
"Because its ugly and its horrible so do you want to come with me and live in the fatherland?"
"Yes!"she says hugging me.

3rd PoV
Slaves all around the Isle hailed the Germans as liberators and pledged full loyalty to the German state with out the Germans actually knowing. News spread like wild fire through to continent that the 3 isles has and allie, a bottomless pit of an economy because of there new allie and abolish slavery.
Slaves in the Continent saw this as an opportunity to escape and be free again.
By the end of tonight chapter 3 should be out.
There will be a Hell march and New allie in the Berlin Packed and an a Offensive in to the Imperium.

What If I had the power to create The DDR in another worldWhere stories live. Discover now