Chapter El Cinco

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Y/N being Y/N decided to go join the troops at the beach head why to show that he was big ballsy man to Weber and that he dosent hide in his castle.As he goes through the country side he's being recognise as a National hero to Imperium citizens because he boys and allies are liberating them from a harsh dictatorship of Weber. Everyone loved him.He was going to towns expecting the troops and how the common folk were doing. Y/N reached the Major city of Konks and was about to give a speech then a Imperium loyalist shoot right at his chest. Screams of horror rang out as the men in the crowd possessed to beat the living crist out the killer Y/N Being NUCLEAR BRIAN had a Vest to protect him from any kind of aggression and continue the speech(Auto Von Bismark/Teddy Roosevelt would be proud.). Y/N was back home spending tine with the Allies While that's was happening the a bigger Kingdom named NARI was passing millions though the Imperium Boarder to help Imperium against this Unknown threat.The allies pushed the Imperiums back all the way to the capital but the problem was its was desert terrain *OH GOD 1991 GULF WAR FLASH BACKS*but its fine.
As German troops steam rolling thru the desert the notice something odd divisions they started wearing flag and a different type of armor so the reported it to high command.
At the desert front for the first time The Air Force was because of... A big Fire dragon before it could do any damage got shot down by a Forgfoot and A A-10 squadron.
The CIA says there's Anti-War Senators and the Queen who was forced to marry at 5(Now she's 20) were being executed in a couple days but the capital wasn't to far away from the bay that was in but had crap ton of ship's but thet didnt stop the kriegsmarine *hphm*That didnt stop the Peoples navy they sent out Ohio class subs to deal make a little scare.

In the throne room.
"Sir,Sir!" The messenger shouted
"Were being attack by unknown monsters!" He shouts
"What that dose not make any sense unknown monsters?"
"Yes you majesty take a look your self."
As they went outside to see the horror of the recket ships and civilians cheering for the Subs.

To Y/N and Eliz
They were having a discussion about how many Vehicles could she have.
"I can give you 3 Leopards A1a1 3 F-16 Raptors 2 Btr 80 and crap ton of M1A1s do you accept?" * reach hands out*
"For the war effort"*accepts handshake*
"Great but now you need to get quick learning troops they Could be Men or Woman."
"Why women?"she says her head titling.
"Because Women have equal rights as men."
"Really that's good to hear"
Meanwhile with Karthur
He was choosing who would go train with the german navy because the Germans gave the king a gift of 'thank you' for joining the war a copy of the Bismark and FDR which was great the nation just got the national pride of the Navy the Bismark (This are a Modified Bismark and FDR that can go as fast as modern ship) and he already have found Pilots for the FDR and already over in Germany.
"Your majesty The king of Serrden is here to speak with you." The Male dog servant kneels.
"Btw boy what's your name"
"Nice to meet you Maximus tell the guests to be ready"
"Yes Mi lord"
(Time skip to the Castles new helipad)
"Ahh Karthur is good to see you again and I must say this city is more beautiful as ever"Martin the King of Serrdan says as he admires the German architecture
"How did you do this Sir" says the Princess of Serrdan says.
"Simple we didnt make this that was the DDR that did they told me that Joining his alliance Ill have to get rid of slaves but its was worth it because my people are happy and im using there bottomless economy."
"How may I join this allience?"
"Martin they Call it a pack"
"The how do our kingdom join this Alliance."
"Well its very simple 1.Abolish slavery 2. Women have rights and 3. If one of our country is a war like he quote it 'Attack on one is an Attack on all'."
"Well the slave abolishing stuff is going to be hard because my kingdom is huge!"
"Well I seen his boys in action heck have you not seen what they did to Imprium there all ready at there capital and the war started yesterday!"
"Impossible there that quick and also who ships are those."The princess say
"Oh they gave it as a 'thank you' for being the first allie to join against the Imperium."
"Hold on im not the leader of the Alliance Leader let me call him."He pulls out a phone.
A couple seconds pass.
"Mr. Y/N said yes but you have to mobilize your boys and his Elve/Animal-Humans troops are going to launch and offensive into Nari from your boarder and inform your kingdom about slavery being no more."
"You heard the man messenger tell te kingdom were mobilizing and slavery is no more!
At the kingdom of Serrdan Middle/lower/slave class were calling the Germans liberators and like the 3 isle salves the pledged loyalty to the Berlin pack and East germany.
Next chapter is inspired by the invasion of Panama but remember Faunus and Elves will be invading Y/N is testing them.

Btw they Grey armour is only traditional this is the what they actually use.

Btw they Grey armour is only traditional this is the what they actually use

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