Chapter 4 ~ The Mall Part. 1

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Bella's POV

My eyes roamed over the large map of stores. "There are so many..." I say as I spot my favorite store, Rue 21. "Can we go there first?" Piero nods and hands me a credit card. "Anything you want." My eyes widen. "Are you sure?" Ignazio kisses my head. "Always." Gianluca took my hand and walks with me to the store, Ignazio and Piero disappearing into a nearby store. "They want to look for some new clothes too." I nod and go in.


As I was wondering through the clothing my eyes spot a makeup kit for skin concealing. "Hm..." I turn and look at the stack of clothes I managed to find. "Luca?" His eyes wander up to mine. "Yes, my love?" I bite my lip cutely. "Can I go try these on?" He nods and starts to stand but I softly push him down. "Alone...?" That seemed to be pushing it. "Bella..." I sighed. "You can sit outside the dressing room so you can see it, but I don't want you to see me change..." A look of understanding crossed his eyes and he nodded, carrying my clothes back there.

I managed to sneak the makeup into the dressing room and when Gianluca shut the door I quickly opened it and put it on, it covering the black marks that Gianluca didn't want others to see, along with other parts of my marks that would cause a war.

After slipping on a pair of shorts and a crop top I open the door.

There was Ignazio, Piero, and Gianluca looking at me; growls forming in their throats. "Absolutely not. Our marks-" Gianluca started. "Are not visible." I finished.

They looked at me in confusion and I felt them look at the place their marks were. It was Piero who spoke first, surprising me. "What did you do? You haven't rejected us have you?" I whimpered. "No! I just wanted to be able to wear clothes I like. It's makeup..." They relaxed and nodded.

Gianluca still didn't look happy. "I still don't like it..." He muttered as I tried other clothes on.

Later on Ignazio escorted me. Then Piero, then Gianluca, then Ignazio again. The cycle continued on and on until it was time for lunch which we all met up for.

I licked my lips as Piero sat a steamy plate of Chinese food in front of me. "Yum..." I picked up my fork and started to eat. I looked over to see that each of them were eating different stuff. Surprisingly each of the foods fit them. Ignazio was eating spicy food, Piero eating pizza, and Gianluca was eating something that looked like noodles.

After we finished Gianluca took my hand.

Each of the boys looked at each other and they silently nodded in agreement. "What is it?" Gianluca stood, pulling me up with him. "It's my turn to take you shopping." Something told me that wasn't it, but I complied and followed. He soon brought me to a park part of the mall, taking me to a bench.

I sat and he smiled softly at me. "Bella..." He sat beside me and caressed my face, kissing my forehead. "Would you like to accompany me to dinner tomorrow night?" I crooked my head to the side. "Wasn't I going to eat with all of you anyway?" He smiled softly and shook his head. "No... just you and I. Alone. Together."

I blushed brightly. "O-Okay." I softly bite my lip as his eyes flicker to them. "Can I kiss you...?" His deep voice shook through me. My heart stopped and I nodded quickly.

As he leaned in I smelled his scent that I smelled that first day, musky woods. I softly gasped as his lips met mine, the sparks spreading across my body. He seemed to like it because he pulled me closer, his hand running through my hair. I could kiss him forever...

"Ahem." I pulled away and looked up to see a very annoyed looking Ignazio. "We would like to spend time with our mate too you know." Gianluca chuckled. "You will..." He kisses me softly and briefly. "But I couldn't help but take advantage."

Piero smiled a knowing smile and helped me stand. "Are we leaving?" I asked. Piero nodded. "Indeed." He led me to the car, Ignazio and Gianluca close behind.

I turned and snuck a glance at Gianluca and he winked, causing me to blush.

Dang it.


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