Chapter Two ~ And Then There Was Four

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I looked up at the three men, transfixed by their beauty. The one on the far left was a little shorter than the others, but still taller than me. Even though he was a werewolf he still wore glasses. The one in the middle looked like a model straight out of a magazine. His face was chiseled to perfection, any girl would fall for him instantly. His hair was done perfectly as well, styled in a quiff. The last one on the far right took my breath away. His hair was in a messy style and his gaze held nothing by love and possession. There was a slight hint of a beard on his face.

Daniel immediately let go of me and I almost fell, not realizing I was using him as a support. As he went to help me from falling a voice rang through the ballroom. "Don't you dare touch her Alpha Daniel. I do not believe my brothers and I will be able to keep our wolfs from killing you if you do." The one with the glasses said. His very sexy voice held a strong Italian accent in it.

Finally the ballroom went back to it's activities. "Bella, come to me." The middle one said. It couldn't stop myself from walking forward. I left Daniel's side and walked to the three mysterious men.

"Brothers we need to go to a more private place for discussion, don't you agree?" The one with the thick accent said. "Indeed." The other one said. They all offered their arm to me. I noticed the one with the messy hair hadn't said anything to me as I took his arm. The other two looked disapointed, but walked a little ways ahead of us to a more 'private' place. "Do you not speak to me because you do not want me?" I asked the man. He stopped and wrapped his arms around my waist, breathing in my scent. "Not want you? How could you think such a thing?" He asked, his deep voice piercing my soul.

"Ignazio, please, not here. I need to see if her marks can be seen while she is in that dress." Glasses said. I couldn't think. I had met my mate- mates. I have three mates. Three. How is that possible? Ignazio pulled away from me and once again placed my hand on his arm, leading me into a room.

The other two were pacing the room nervously. When I walked in they both stopped and walked to me. "Forgive us for not introducing ourselves. My name is Gianluca and this is my brother Piero. Next to you is my other brother Ignazio." I nodded. "Piero, Gianluca, and Ignazio... I love them. My name is Bella." Suddenly Ignazio began to growl. "You can see my mark through her dress!" He exclaimed. "Your mark..." I then realized what they were talking about. When you meet your mate you receive a mark claiming you as his or in this case theirs. I walked to a mirror and saw what Ignazio was talking about. On my right shoulder was a large mark with his initals and mine. I looked over my body and found that Gianluca's mark started on my wrist and went up my arm and connected to Ignazio's.

"Piero, where is your mark?" Piero walked to me, putting his hand in mine. "Right here." He moved my hair away from my neck, showing his initals traveling across my collar bone, going across my back and connecting with Ignazio's.

"Both of you are lucky. My mark is on her wrist!" Gianluca exclaimed. Piero was still staring at his mark, one hand in mine, the other resting on my shoulder, right where it was. He leaned down and kissed it. Tingles of pleasure corsed through me and my body relaxed. Piero smiled and pulled me flush against him, breathing me in. "You're so beautiful." He said, his free hand traveling down my arm.

Gianluca growled. "Piero this isn't the time for romantic words. Ignazio, do you think you can go and get something to cover up my mark?" Ignazio nodded and left the room. "I'll go help him." Piero said, also leaving, but not before stroking my cheek. Once the door shut Gianluca ran up to me smashing his lips to mine. Tingles shot through my body and I moaned. His lips traced down to his mark. "It's magnificent and it ties you to me." After kissing his mark again, he pulled away smiling. "I think I'm already falling for you." He said. My heart was beating fast. "Gianluca I-" His eyes turned dark. "Say it again." My breath faltered. "Gianluca." Then his lips were on mine.

I'd never felt such an amazing sensation in my life.

Then it just had to be ruined. Someone burst through the door and I immediately stepped away. "Oh, Bella and Gianluca! I didn't know that you two were occupying this room I..." He trails off as I feel my mate's marks tingling against my skin, especially Gianluca's. Then it got even better. Gianluca began to growl, followed by Piero and Ignazio who just happened to walk in at that time. "You will advert your eyes mutt." Ignazio growled out. The tingles went away and I sighed in relief. Of course Daniel being Daniel, he still stood there not making eye contact. "Leave!" Piero yelled, gesturing to the door.

Once Daniel left they all ran to my side and kissed their marks. I felt my eyes roll back in my head in pleasure. "Now, Bella please put this on." Gianluca whispered against my skin. I nodded and felt fabric go into my hands. Somewhere Piero found something to change behind, much against Gianluca's wishes, and I walked back to change.

Ignazio and Piero picked out a dark long sleeved shirt and a part of khaki cargo pants. The mix complimented my jet black hair nicely. I walked out from behind the wall and sighed, knowing I'll never be able to wear my favorite dresses again. "How's this?" Gianluca walks to my side and looks me over to make sure I was covered. As he was inspecting me I noticed they all had changed too. Ignazio in a blue shirt with blue jeans, Piero the same but with a yellow and red striped shirt, and Gianluca with a green shirt and black jeans. "She's covered. We can leave now." Gianluca concluded. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the door. "Then let's go."

They led me to a very large limo and opened the door for me. As I climbed in Gianluca sat on one side of me with Ignazio on the other. And Piero, well I somehow ended up sitting on his lap in the middle. "You know there's more seats, right?" They all shrugged and Piero stroked my hair. To say it felt amazing was an understatement. I shut my eyes and leaned back against Piero's chest. My mind then wondered to how good it would feel to have my hair pulled by one of them, me returning the favor. Suddenly the car stopped and I opened my eyes to see three pairs of almost pitch black eyes.

"Oops, sorry." I whispered. "Che Bella you can't think those things around me without me wants to make them happen. Especially with you in my lap." Piero said, his voice unrecognizable. 'His wolf is coming out. Let me meet him!' My wolf purred in my head. She pushed through me and took control. "Zander." She said through my lips. "Sasha, my love! I don't think I can control myself when you think of things like that! My human is already loosing control without my help!" She frowned. "You don't want us?" Her voice accusing. "No! I want you!" It was too late Sasha had heard enough. I felt the power go over me as she get me control. Unlike her normal place with me, she felt more distant. Ignazio and Gianluca's wolf howled out in pain. "How could you?!" Ignazio's wolf, Graviel, growled out. "Because he's an idiot!" Gianluca's wolf, Luciano, growled in response.

"Mates!" I yelled, hearing enough. Their looks were immediately on me. "She's just dramatic. I'm sure she's laughing at her little game. We both love all of you." Slowly their wolfs gave them back control. Piero still looked in pain. I leaned forward and touched his lips to him. He responded instantly, caressing my arm and cheek.

After what felt like a million years we splint apart. Gianluca and Ignazio were smiling at us and Ignazio helped me out of the car. As we walked up to a huge house I felt panic set in. "Bella it's okay. This isn't the pack house. This is our own personal house, no need to worry about meeting anyone else today." Gianluca assured me. I nodded, but still wasn't sure. Suddenly Ignazio picked me up bridal style and softly pushed me into his chest, calming me. "Thank you Nazio." I said, cuddling into his chest. I felt his laugh boom through his chest.

"I love you too Bella... And Sasha." Ignazio said, then Graviel whispering the last part in my ear for Sasha. I felt her purr and start coming forward once more. Graviel howled in happiness when he sensed her closer. Piero and Gianluca had left into the house, leaving me and one of my mates together.

Ignazio carried me through the house and I already knew I would be lost the second I left the door. Slowly I felt myself fall asleep to the steady beat of his heart and I relaxed.

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