Chapter 5 - Bedroom Situations

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Bella's POV

I smiled as they pulled all the bags out of the car. I love shopping.

They started up the stairs, but Piero stopped. "Gianluca, will you take the bags to our pack house? We need to get three more of each of these." Gianluca frowned. "Why can't you do it? I wanted to-" Ignazio glares at him. "Never mind..." He grumbled as he takes the bags and leaves.

I looked at Piero and Ignazio. "What was that about?" Piero took my hand. "You will have a room of your own, but will also be sleeping with one of us occasionally. We need to make sure you have everything you need in each room." I blushed darkly. "But I liked sleeping in the guest room." It was Ignazio who growled softly. "And each of us took turns outside your door to make sure you were safe. We couldn't take it if... If something were to happen, not while you aren't able to communicate with us through the mind bond." I nodded, understanding.

A thought peeped into my head. "Who am I being mated to?" They froze. "That's another thing, my princess... You will all be mated to you." I was shocked. "But I thought... " Ignazio walked to me. "We know it will take you some time to adjust, but this is what will have to happen." He moved the stray hair from my face.

I thought long and hard about my next sentence, knowing it would be a very big mistake if said wrong. "And what if I don't want to mate with all three of you?" I said slowly and gently.

Growls erupted around me. Gianluca had just walked through the door when I said that. Good job Bella. Timing is perfect. I mentally slapped myself. "Bella... what did you just say?" Piero growled, his tone warning me. My heart sped up as I looked at the three angry Alphas before me.

"I... um.. Well I gotta go so I'll talk to you later." I took off down the hallway, not quite sure if that was a good idea.

I swiftly rounded corners, walls flying by. After a couple of turns I paused and turned back. Silence. I sighed in relief and turned, hitting another wall. As I rubbed my head and looked up, the wall turned out to not be a wall at all.

"Bella, do you know what you just did by saying that?" Gianluca asked, his expression showing hurt, his wolf whining. "I-I'm sorry, i-it's just I'm s-so nervous about h-how it will be w-with three mates..." I bit my lip.

They all seemed to relax and warm arms enveloped me. "My love, we're sorry. It was rude of us to just throw that on you and expect you to understand..." Gianluca kissed my cheek. "But just to be clear, you'll have my mark first, yes?"

I pulled away and looked at him. "Did you really just say that to me?" If they want to tango, I'll tango. My eyes turned a dark red in anger. But If they want to mess with a bull... "Run."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2015 ⏰

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