Chapter Three ~ No Absolutely Not

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Bella's POV

"No." I said for probably the sixty-billionth time. "Bella. Put. The. Shirt. On." Gianluca said, gritting his teeth. "Nope. I refuse to wear that, even to just the mall." He sighs in frustration. I'm sorry, mate or not, I will not wear a long sleeved shirt in the heat of summer. No thank you. "Shirt. On. Now." He tried again. I shook my head. "Oh for sanity's sake, Bella! Please just out the shirt on!" I glared at him and then he did something I didn't expect. He used his alpha command.

"Bella you will put the shirt on, now!" I whimpered and slipped it over my head. His eyes softened and he walked over to me and kisses my forehead. "I'm sorry, but I don't want to kill someone for looking at my mark."

I growled in response.

Gianluca kisses my shoulder and allows me to leave the room. I roll my eyes as Ignazio and Piero look me over as well. "We're just going to the mall..." Each of their eyes snap up to my face. "We don't want to feel like we need to... punish someone for looking at my-" Piero interrupts Gianluca. "Our." Gianluca nods. "Yes, our mate."

I nod and Ignazio wraps his arms around me. "Shall we go?" I nod and they lead me to a large garage. Piero disappears and comes back. "The car is out front. Who's driving?"

This will be fun.

Hey guys! I'm sorry this chapter is really short, but I haven't updated in a long time and the next chapter will be super long! Talk to you soon!

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