Chapter 5

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Monday and Tuesday were fine, I had my detention with Mrs. Roden AGAIN on Monday which was fine. She made me write a 700 word paper on the reasons why you should be respectful to her and it took me a while to figure out what to write. Until one of the boys in Stringent told me what to write about on what I did, and how it was not funny. I just repeated that until I hit 700 words. I think his name is Josh Duke, and he's my age too. After detention, since his house was on the way home, we just walked home because he looks like he is a part of Harcos. He is super buff which is surprising to me, but no one ever knows what Stringents are capable of doing. At this point, I don't really care who I talk to because I just want to get this week over with. Josh was friendly and we talked about the ceremony on Friday and how we are both nervous about where we are going. Tuesday was boring, but me and Jeremy ate lunch together and hung out after school which was nice, since I didn't see him on Monday. I don't know where he was but he looked bruised.

Today's my birthday, March 13, and everything is fine in the morning, until "morning Harper! Happy birthday!" How did Jeremy know it's my birthday, no one knows it except for Jordan and Mason. I am not in the mood to celebrate, "Thanks, how'd you know." I am not very enthusiastic about this, I just wanted to be ignored today. "Like I said before, I have my resources. Here, I got you something." He's holding a small square box with a bow while smiling. I open the gift and it's a necklace with a circle in the middle that has two letters. H+J is engraved on it. "I hope you like it." He looks at me warily, "Thank you, but I'm not big into birthdays." I was looking at the ground until he tilted my head up so that I would look at him, and pecked me on the forehead. "I know. I heard why, but I did this for you because I want you to feel special on this day. It's your last birthday before the ceremony." He is being really thoughtful about this. "Thank you Jer, really this means a lot to me. Promise me one thing," he looked at me with hope, "anything." "Promise me you won't make a big deal about it today." Jeremy hugs me, "promise." I smiled and took the necklace out of the box, "help me put it on?" He grinned and clasped the necklace on my neck, then we started to walk to the subway for school.

"Question" I'm very curious on why Jeremy is bruised. "Ask away then." I don't know how to say this right, "you don't have to answer, but why do you have bruises on your body?" He sighed, "me and my brothers had a fight with each other about who should be in charge of the house, and they decided it would be best to fight it out. You know the best man wins and gets to protect the family." I gasped, "Is that why you weren't at school on Monday?" I'm really worried about him now, "yeah, and I lost," he looks ashamed of himself. I decided to put his arm around me, "It's ok you know, to lose. It gets worse before it gets better. That's always what Jordan tells me when I'm down." He looked down at me, "thank you Harp, that means a lot. I always know you'll stand by my side." I grinned up at him, "and you better do the same for me." he gasped dramatically, "I'm so offended." we both laughed at his comment. "Of course I will, no matter what." he said and kissed my hair.

Since we left a little late for the subway, we missed homeroom which is fine by me because my teacher is Mrs. Roden. English was amazing because we got to read The Great Gatsby which is my favorite book and got to write about it. Jeremy and I have the same Algebra class and we sit next to each other. He is impressively good at math, and it's fun to learn new things about each other. Jeremy ends up helping me with the work we have to do, so I can understand it. We only have two classes together, which are math and biology. In bio it was awful as usual. Mrs. Roden called me out for not knowing an answer and Jeremy yelled at her for picking on me instead of the people who raised their hands.

My lunch period is my favorite because Jeremy and I can talk to each other without getting interrupted. "This is nice. Just me and you, my favorite person in the world," he spoke so calmly but happily at the same time. This is becoming a great day today, which is not what I expected. I wish this moment would never end, "no matter what society we are sorted in, promise we won't forget each other." I am praying that we will be put in the same society. "We'll get through this, no matter which place we are put in too." He said and hugged me tightly then let go. "We better go to our last class, meet you after school? I smiled, "definitely."

History was pretty casual today, I sat in the back of the class so I would be ignored but then Lydia Hendrix decided to sit next to me. "You're not supposed to-" she cut me off, "I know but I wanted to sit next to you because I need to tell you about the clean up after the ceremony." I looked at her and back at the teacher, "hurry, I don't want either of us to end up getting in trouble for talking to each other." Our conversation was quick, she just wanted to explain where we meet in the beginning, and what the plan is for the clean up. She also told me that since I signed up to help, I can get extra points for contributing in an activity. I didn't know you could get points for that. Before she left I called her back, "what do the points do?" she walked back over to me, "they help the System decide which society your put into of course." I'm mortified, I've never been a part of extra curricular activities before now. What if I'm put into Stringent, I can't be put into that society, I just can't, I don't belong there. To be honest, I don't know where I belong, I'll be just as surprised as everyone else when I find out where I'm going.

Finally, when the day is over, me and Jeremy meet up at the subway station to head home. "How was the rest of your day, birthday girl!" He's so obnoxious sometimes, "Shhhh, I don't want people to know." He grinned down at me. "Can you two be quiet please, I'm trying to read." God, it's Thomas again, "you're not supposed to be talking to us Cyprus" Jeremy shot back and I grinned. I never noticed how tall Thomas was, definitely taller than Jeremy. Thomas is long and lanky but also has muscle, while Jeremy is an average height and muscular, "why do you have to be so snarky about it? I asked you politely, and by the way I know the rules. If you didn't already know, my family is a part of the New York City Government-" I rolled my eyes, "Also known as the NYCG or as I call your group, suckups." Both me and Jeremy laughed out loud and so did another guy. "That's funny, because I call them that too." Josh was laughing until Thomas started to talk, "Hey what's your name?" Josh stood up "Josh Duke, I'm in Stringent." Thomas stood up as well, "Well Josh, this is not your conversation." Josh smirked, "if this isn't my conversation, then why are you talking to me? By the way, if something is funny, I laugh. So when Harper said that, I thought it was funny, so I laughed. That's not against the law." Jeremy looked confused "How do you know her name?" I spoke up, "me and Josh were both in detention together with Mrs. Roden or Mrs. Rodent." Everyone laughed, even Thomas, "Oh so Mr. Perfect does have a sense of humor." Jeremy is staring at Thomas. "I never said I didn't, I just try to be respectful when adults are around."

The rest of the time on the subway, we all did our own thing until it was Jeremy and I's stop. I caught Thomas staring at me a couple of times, but I didn't bother saying anything. "So, I never asked you, how was your detention with Mrs. Roden?" I grinned at him, "oh you know my favorite teacher let me read my book and it was fantastic." We both started laughing, "it was pretty boring, we had to write a 700 word paper on how to be respectful to her. So overall, pretty lousy."

By the time we got home, it's dinner time and I invited Jeremy to eat to celebrate. "I know you don't like presents, but Jordan and I wanted to get you a present for your birthday." This is really odd, I've never had birthday presents till now. "Thanks Mason, thanks Jordan, this means a lot." It's a big box, and when I open it, it's a black thigh high in the front and low in the back dress, that is off the shoulder. "Wow, this is beautiful. Thank you so much!" I gave both of them a hug and thanked them again after dinner.

Before Jeremy left, we started talking for a while. "You're going to look gorgeous in that dress on Friday. I can't wait to see you in it." I smiled at him, "and I'm excited to see you in a tux on Friday." He grinned, "goodnight Harp, I hope you had a good birthday." I looked him straight in the eye, "better than good, great." I whispered to him. "Goodnight Jer, I'll see you tomorrow." He kissed me and left for the night. I don't think I've ever been so nervous in my life, but I'll find my way no matter what society I will be put in. I just hope I won't be alone.

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