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fadeematuh_wala The writer of

🎤So, please what is your full name and briefly tell me about yourself

🕯️: Living in abj
🕯️: I'm from kebbi
🕯️: I am fatimah almustapha wala

🎤 When did you first start reading Wattpad?

🕯️: 3 years back

🎤: Is it also the same as when you started writing there?
🕯️:  I started  writing around june
🎤:Masha Allah

🎤: Describe your Wattpad experience in 3 words.

🕯️: Very amazing platform

🎤:How long does it take you to write a chapter?
🕯️: Two days is enough for me..but some times I'm just lazy and keep procrastinating.

🎤:What is your work schedule like when you're writing?
🕯️: I prefer writing at night when everywhere is quiet
🕯️: Midnight to be precise

🎤:Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?
🕯️: I create ideas myself
🕯️: Then information;for something i don't know..things like location..i browse or ask someone that knows.

🎤:When did you write your first book and how old were you?
🕯️: June 2020 nd i was 17

🎤:What do you like to do when you're not writing?
🕯️: Watching or chatting

🎤:What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?

🕯️: I came to realize that a person can't be reported missing to a police station till after 24 hours🎤

🎤: 😂😂I can't stop laughing. I actually realised that while watching zeeworld.

🎤: How many books have you written? Which is your favourite?

🕯️: Just one and I'm not done with it.

🎤: Do you have any suggestions to help  become a better writer? If so, what are they?

🕯️: Well yes
🕯️: Criticism
🕯️: I believe when someone critise your book it will make you add extra efforts though it hurts sometimes

🎤: I actually can relate very well to this. On my real account, I started writing a book and someone really criticized it. It really hurts.

🕯️: Honestly it does..at some point i couldn't continue reading..i was so down but that just encouraged me to but more efforts

🎤:Awwnnn Masha Allah

🎤: What do you think makes a good story?

🕯️: Book cover is the mean thing

🕯️: Then  settings,plot,characters,conflict and theme

🎤: If you are asked to choose between reading and writing, what will you choose?

🕯️: Reading😊

🎤:Who is your favorite Wattpad writer?

🕯️: Nigerian??

🎤: Any country

🕯️: She's a kenyan i think

🕯️: Amalk807

🕯️: Author of her blind husband

🎤:Who is your favorite Wattpad reader?

🕯️: Hafsa sanda,imaanii,saudah wamako,aysha gumie..Oh Lord they are many..i really appreciate all my readers honestly

🎤: Chocolate or vanilla?

🕯️: Vanilla

🎤:Watch Football all day or Watch Netflix all day?

🕯️: I will die if i watch ball😂😂
🕯️: Netflix it is

🕯️: It's so boring honestly..how can you just be watching human beings running around with ball

🎤: Do you have any last words for both the writers and readers?

🕯️: To writers;you guys gotta keep pushing..you cannot be where you want to be until you push harder

🕯️: The to readers;we appreciate your efforts for reading our books but can you please just be clicking on that cute star...it's not hard to do that and it doesn't take you 3 seconds..it's just a way of you showing you appreciate the writer and believe me that's what encourage most writers

🎤: Thank you so much❤️

Thank you so much fadeematuh_wala.

This Interview is a very special one.
🧚 It is my first interview after my long time off Wattpad. Honestly, I just needed a break.
🧚Fadeematuh_wala is very friendly and was very easy to Interview. No stress at all.

Please keep bearing with my laziness.

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jimeh_khadijah The writer of

The Untold Realities
Addeen Nasiha; The Religion( of Islam) is Advice.


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