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Meet Maymunatu_bukar the writer of Jewels a marvelous story about Aayan and jawahir. #AayHir #JaYan

🎤:What is your full name?

🥰:My name is Maimunatu I Bukar

🎤: Please tell me more about you.

🥰: That's a really tough question,because I'm one of the most boring people on earth so there's nothing much to say. Well except the fact that I love reading,  I breathe and eat books. A certified bibliophile. I'll choose spending a day inside with my nose buried in a book over human interaction every time. Lol

I love Disney and Nicklodeon, I grew up watching them. They are the highlight of my childhood.  I guess that's it.

🎤:That's actually very interesting. Nicklodeon is bae.
🎤: when did you start writing on wattpad and what inspired you to write?

🥰: I started writing on wattpad in June 2018 and I can't really say what inspired me to write. I've always loved writing, I've been scribbling gibberish and keeping them to myself for years. I finally overcame my fear and decided to put my work out to the world and here we are.

🎤: your story is highly accepted in wattpad.  How do you feel?

🥰: it's honestly overwhelming.  I sometimes can't believe it, especially when I get messages from my loyal readers.  I never expected to reach this far, to be honest. And I owe all this to my loyal readers,  without them Jewels will not be where it is today.

I never expected it.

🎤:Awwn that is so sweet of you.

🎤: So what are some of the challenges you faced as a writer?

🥰: it's something I think every writer encounters once in a while and that is writer's block, the nightmare of every writer, it's the reason why I haven't updated in a month. And I've faced the anxiety of my work not being enough or worth anyone's time. There are times I almost took the whole book down and just forget about it because I believed I was doing nonsense but Ofcourse with the support of my family,friends and my loyal readers,  I got back on my feet.

🎤:I can relate.

🎤: so do you have plans for writing in the future? And should we expect more books?

🥰: Yes, I do. I aspire to be a published and renowned author Insha Allah.  Yes, you should expect more books but I don't know exactly when.

🎤:Masha Allah. That's great.

🎤: where do you see yourself in 8 years from now?

🥰: Successful.  I see myself making my parents proud insha Allah. I'd be married to the loml with kids😉 and hopefully a world wide known writer insha Allah.

🎤: That's so sweet

🎤: Which wattpad writer is your best( the one you look up to)?

🥰: it'll definitely be ummyasmeen. She's my role model, I look up to her in every way. Not only do I adore her novels,  I also love her interaction with her readers, I love how she Carries everyone along.

🎤: which one of your readers will you nominate over and over again as the best( one who likes and comments alot)?

🥰: No,no, no way. Lol, you cannot ask me to do that. I have so many that I can't list them.

🎤: Ikr😆. Your readers are extra.

🥰: they sure are and I love them like that.

🎤: favourite emoji?

🥰: I dont have a favourite emoji, I have favourites the low key smiling one(🙂), the closed eye emoji with hearts around it(🥰). I love the eye rolling one too(🙄), the face palm (🤭/🙈) and so much more.

🎤: what do you have to say as last words to readers aspiring to write, to writers that are struggling to be developed,  and to everyone in general?

🥰: to the readers aspiring to be writers, I want you to know that believing in yourself is the first step and you're half way there. The beginning will always seem tough but believe me it gets better. I know you can do this❤ and for the writers struggling,  I understand.  My advice to you is to step back and take a break. Read as much as you can, do the things you love and when you feel you're ready come back with a blast and be better than you were before❤.

To people general😁 in a world where you can be anything,  choose to be kind❤.

That was the incredible interview with Maymunatu bukar. I have to admit, she will also be an incredible motivational speaker. I like the place she said writers struggling should step back and take a break. And the funniest part is where she couldn't decide on her best reader😂. She really admires all her readers. ❤❤.



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