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Meet aminatuu22
The writer of 'Married to my lecturer'

🎤: What is your full name?

❤️: My name is Amina Ahmad Usman

🎤: When did you start reading Wattpad?

❤️: That would be November 2019

🎤: When did you start writing on  Wattpad?

❤️: I started writing in November 14th 2019

🎤: What inspired you to start writing on Wattpad?

❤️: What people are facing and also loneliness

🎤: Describe life with Wattpad in 3 words.

❤️: Books, novels & books

🎤: Describe life without Wattpad in 3 words.

❤️: Unimaginable!😩 It will be nothing, boring and also dull.

🎤: How long does it take you to write a complete chapter?

❤️: It takes me two days

🎤: What is your work schedule like when you are writing?

❤️: Seriously I don't have a schedule I just write anytime when I'm bored

🎤: What was one of the most surprising things you learnt in creating your books?

❤️: I got surprised by how flawless I could write a book.
How it just flowed outta my pen and all

🎤: How many books have you penned down so far?
Which is your favorite?

❤️: One
married to my lecturer which is my favorite

🎤: Who is your favorite Wattpad writer?

❤️: This will be tough 🤦‍♀️😂
But I guess saudaa_B is my favorite writer

🎤: Who is your favorite Wattpad reader?

❤️: Hafsa abubakar

🎤: Do you have any suggestions to help  become a better writer? If so, what are they?

❤️: To believe in yourself and always have confidence and stop comparing yourself with others

🎤: Do you have any last words for readers, writers and upcoming writers?

❤️: Don't be discouraged and never give up

❤️: Even if people said you can't do it show them you can do it no matter what

So we should talk about something after every interview right?

So, let's talk about zeeworld❤️ your thoughts?

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