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MEET _eeeyman the writer of  three life changing novels

Helplessly in love
Someone's love
"I'll be back" she said

🎤:What is your full name?

💆🏽‍♀️ :My name is Zainab Sunusi

🎤: When did you start writing on wattpad and what inspired you to leave being a reader and become a writer?

💆🏽‍♀️:Last year ramadan ,so a year now . And initially I downloaded wattpad to write and not to read, I started reading after publishing my first book.

🎤:Well that's incredible.  You were a writer before you became a reader. Masha Allah

🎤: You are a writer loved by a lot of people. How do you feel about this?

       I feel really good , I never expected to be where I am so that alone makes me feel really good and proud of myself which also encourages me to write more.

🎤: What are some of the challenges you are facing as a writer?

💆🏽‍♀️: The only challenge I face is that sometimes my readers forget I have a life outside wattpad, all they want is a daily update, but it is not really possible because I have other things doing as well.

🎤: Do you have plans for writing more books?

💆🏽‍♀️: Yeaa, i have plenty more idea!

🎤: Masha Allah

🎤: Where do you see yourself in 15 years from now?

💆🏽‍♀️: I actually want to be writer, so i guess i see my self writing alot of books, scripwriting movies and series and getting nobel awards and many other prizes

🎤: So what changes have you noticed in YOU from the first day you started writing to today?

💆🏽‍♀️: I have started being more creative and I've realized everything happens with time so I'm more patient.

🎤: That's great

🎤: Who is your favourite wattpad writer?

💆🏽‍♀️: Actually i dont have a favourite writer but i like  Aseeesa  the author of Ayala, she just started writing her book but its not a northern one!

🎤: Who is your favourite wattpad reader?

💆🏽‍♀️: I love all my readers, but i really appreciate Xaharau !

🎤: Xaharau is the best reader of the year.

💆🏽‍♀️: Really
You know her ne?😂

🎤: Yess I actually see her comments everywhere😂 best reader 2020

💆🏽‍♀️: She' doesnt get tired of commenting😂😂💔

🎤: Yess she doesn't 😂

🎤: In a word, describe your wattpad experience

💆🏽‍♀️: Interesting!

🎤: What do you have as last words to readers aspiring to write, to writers struggling to develop and to everyone in General?

💆🏽‍♀️: Well i think all i will love to tell people out there is to beleive in them selves
At first i always discouraged my self,i always told my self that i couldnt do it and no body was going to read my books i was planing on deleting them😂
But then someone told me you don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great and that pushed me to where i am right now

So i just want to tell people out there especially upcoming writers that if you are working on something that you really care about you dont have to be pushed because the vision pulls you, you wont be getting alot of reads in days, it will take time so you just have to be patient

And i also want to tell Ghost readers to try their best to be commenting and voting because thats what keeps the writer determined.

Las las Xaharau is everyone's favourite. ❤

Thank you so much _eeeyman . We wish you the best in your future endeavors.  More grease to your elbow. I really admire how you believe in yourself. YOU ARE ALREADY THERE.❤

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