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Ben laid in bed. He tried to go to sleep but he was restless. He laid on his side facing the closet door.

"Ben." He heard Miranda's sweet voice as it rung out from the front door.

"Benjamin Warren." She called out as she shut the door walking in. Her heard the patter of her feet as she got closer to the bedroom.

"Ben are you sleep?" Miranda asked noticing his back was turned.

When he didn't reply. She pouted. She wanted to talk to him and see his beautiful brown eyes. Miranda undressed and folded her clothes putting it in the corner. She didn't bother with putting a night gown on she just got in bed with her bra and panties. Miranda slid in bed and slide close to Ben. She put her hand on his back and kissed it. Ben jumped at her touch which shocked her. She then knew he was also awake.

"You are jumpy. What's wrong?" Miranda asked concerned.

"Nothing baby just tired from the plane." Ben responded quietly. "I don't really want to talk , I just want to sleep."
Miranda knew that it was a lie as soon as it came out of his mouth. She closed her mouth to prevent a scuff and a snide remark from coming out.

Miranda took her hands off of his back and she scooted away from him, turning on her side. She had a good mind to just get up and go home but she loved this man too much to just leave.

Miranda laid there until she felt sleep over take her. Ben blew out a breath. He knew that Miranda was going to think something was going on and he didn't know how to move pass or forget what happened. It was the craziest thing.

Ben turned over and scooted closer to Miranda pulling her into his arms. He instantly relaxed when he felt her soft body against him. He loved that her bare back was flush against his bare chest. He kissed the back off her head before putting his face in the crook of her neck. "I'm sorry for being short with you. I love you." Ben mumbled.

Ben laid there for 30 minutes and he let his mind fade back to the events of the night before.

"Kimberly what the hell are you doing here?" Ben asked turning his back so he wouldn't be looking at her naked frame.

"Ben I said I still want you. I know you still want me." She replied touching his shoulder with her hand.

Ben snatched away from her saying "Kimberly for the last time. I said no! I do not want you? I will never ever want you. You mean absolutely nothing to me."

"That's not what you were just saying when we were having sex." She yelled back.

"What?! We did not have sex last night. I remember everything last night and you are no where in my memories. This is really low and sad for you Kim. I could be sober or drugged and I still wouldn't remember you. You are not worth remembering." Ben yelled loudly.

"Ben baby. I don't understand why you would say those things." Kimberly said sadly. She put his hand on her back one more time as Ben shook it away.

"Don't touch me. You know what no. Get out. Why am I even entertaining this foolishness. Leave." Ben said pointing to the door.

"No I will not leave." She said crossing her arms.

Ben couldn't ever remember a time where he was this angry. His hand was shaking and he was trying everything in his power to not snap. He didn't want to hurt this woman.

"Okay fine you won't leave on your own. I'll remove you myself." Ben said walking to the hotel room door and swinging it open.

He marched over to her and pulled her by her wrist. "Ouch you are hurting my wrist." She said as she tried to used her weight so Ben would struggle put her out. Ben pushed her out of his room and into the hallway. Before slamming the hotel room door. He heard persistent knocking.

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